Ryke & Kate

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My teammate Luke tossed an Xbox controller all the way across the room, where it thumped into a wall and slid to the floor.

"Bullshit!" he yelled, throwing himself against the back of my leather couch and smacking the side of it.

"Don't throw my shit, asshole!" I yelled back, punching his leg.

"I fucking hate that game. Let's play again."

"Yeah, if the controller still works."

Like me, Luke was single. We were both forwards on the team, and we often hung out together outside of work.

We were spending Friday night playing video games at my place. My housekeeper Mimi had been over that morning and had put a roast in a slow cooker with a bunch of vegetables. The savory, spicy smell now filled the whole apartment.

"Let's eat," I said, throwing my controller on the couch and getting up.

I was restless. Had been since Tuesday night. I'd surprised myself when I offered Kate a job as my assistant. I wasn't really looking for one. But when I saw the sadness in her huge brown eyes, the words had just come out. I wanted to make it all better.

And then she'd surprised the shit out of me and said no. I figured she'd jump on it, and I was even more confused when I walked her out to the junk on wheels that was her car. She needed the money, couldn't find a job, but didn't want to work for me?

"Am I arrogant?" I asked Luke as we stood against my kitchen island eating. He pounded his chest, looking like he was gonna choke for a second.

"Is this a trick question?"


"You're a fucking underwear model, dude. That's enough to make any guy arrogant."

"I'm serious. Am I an asshole for assuming any woman would jump at the chance to be around me?"

Luke considered as he chewed. "Yeah, kind of. Not all women like athletes. Some of them like sensitive guys who write poems and shit."

I shook my head and thought about it as I ate. I came from a middle class family and counted myself lucky every day to be where I was. But I'd never had to fight for a woman's attention, even before I had money.

Ah, fuck it. Plenty of other women out there.

"You having girl problems, Ryker?" Luke asked with a shit-eating grin.

"You're the only girl giving me problems right now. Finish eating so I can kick the shit out of you again."

"We're switching controllers." His eyes were large and serious, and I shook my head.

"You think I'm playing with the one you smashed into the wall?"

"Maybe we should just go out."

I blew out a breath. "I'm staying here, man."

"Come on, you're my wingman."

"I don't feel like it," I said, an edge in my tone.

"Fine, we'll stay here," Luke said, already sulking. "But we're at least switching controllers."



Though I was 22 and celibate, my Mom had a boyfriend who took her out every weekend. Dale was an English teacher, and they'd been together for more than a year.

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