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When I walked into the apartment, Ryke was sitting at the kitchen table as usual, a dark coffee mug in front of him and my Ryan Gosling one waiting for me on the other side of the table. But today, between the mugs, there was a box.

"Happy birthday," he said, closing the case of his tablet. I was 23 today. How did he know? I was sure we'd never discussed it. I'd been so worried the whole way over here that things would be awkward after last night that I hadn't even thought about my birthday.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a grin that surely looked goofy. I'd never gotten a birthday present from a man. I had to remind myself this wasn't necessarily from Ryke, the man. It was likely from Ryke, my boss. Mimi had told me Ryke gave her season tickets for his team and a Christmas bonus every year.

I slid out of my jacket and approached the box. It was nearly a foot wide, but not very deep, and my curiosity was piqued. It was wrapped in thick, matte silver paper with a shiny silver ribbon tied in an elaborate bow.

"You didn't have to get me anything," I said, my fingers brushing the expensive paper.

"I wanted to. Open it." He fidgeted impatiently, and I wondered if he needed to go, so I pulled the ribbon off and tore into the paper. My heart pounded with excitement as I pulled the lid away from the cream-colored box and burrowed through the tissue paper.

A quilted sandy brown leather wallet was nestled inside, and my fingers flew up to my mouth as I looked at it. I knew the brand, and had never expected to own something so lavish.

"Ryke," I said softly. "This is beautiful, but—"

"But what?" His face fell. "Is it the wrong color?"

"No, it's just . . . These are so expensive."

His brows furrowed as he looked at me across the table. "This is what I wanted to get you, though."

The fresh leathery smell was a reminder that he was everything I wasn't. Successful, grounded and secure. And I was about to let him support me by moving in here when we weren't even together. It was desperate and a little pathetic. I folded the tissue back over the wallet and put the lid back on the box. A glance toward the kitchen told me Mimi had stolen away somewhere to give us privacy.

"You don't like it," he said, sighing.

I met his eyes and saw an ache there that tore at me. "It's not that. It's beautiful. "

"Then what?"

"I just don't know why you'd buy me something so nice when you already pay me so well," I said. "To me, a birthday gift is a book or a shirt, not . . ."

"Jesus, Kate," he muttered, pacing away from me. "I spent more than an hour in a goddamn department store shopping for that because I wanted to find something perfect for you. I saw that your wallet was broken when I carried it that night and I thought you'd be . . . I don't know," he threw his hands in the air, "impressed that I remembered! Why do I always have to be the rich guy trying to seduce the broke girl?"

I lowered my eyes to the floor, unable to answer. His questions made me realize what I'd been doing. I wanted to push him away. It was easy to flirt with him, but this felt so intimate. He'd gone to a store specifically to buy me a birthday present. I should've been thrilled, but Jason Ryker scared the hell out of me. What if I could get past my fear of sex for him? I'd fall completely in love, without a doubt. But would he want something long term with me and my faulty uterus?

"I don't want to be one of your groupies," I said in a small voice. I figured that would do it; he'd be so pissed he'd storm out.

Goosebumps broke out on my arms when he got up from his chair and walked over to mine, leaning against the kitchen table. I couldn't look up because I knew I'd see fury or disappointment.

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