Two: Backwards Clocks and Pensioner Trends

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So I'm back but this time with Chapter Two! I actually spent quite a long time on this chapter! I restarted it twice when I was about a thousand words in each time because I wasn't feeling it and it wasn't flowing well to be honest! But a lot of random things have happened this week with me being ill and today I spent quite a while in a tattoo studio whilst my Dad got yet another tattoo so I've had quite a few random chances just to sit there and write, so I'm quite happy with this chapter and that it's longer.

Okay enough of me blabbering on and boring you to death, thank you so much for coming to read chapter two/ coming back to read more if you've already read Chapter One! If you haven't read Chapter One yet, go read it now! I see no reason why you may not have read it but ah idek okay

Please feel free to Vote, Fan, Comment your opinions so far and if you're liking it etc

So here it is!

Ily enjoyy



"Kids!" I called up the long staircase to where my twin boys, Billy and Tommy, were both playing in the crèche I'd had installed last week. "Time for dinner!" I smiled to myself as I headed back to the sweet smelling kitchen and spread out even portions of the casserole onto each plate, making sure to add a little more on the end plate: my husbands. As I wiped my hands on the apron currently tied securely around my waist, I heard the sound of the front door of the house being opened and then closed, soon to be followed by footsteps which slowly got louder as they approached the kitchen.

"Hi honey I'm home," smiled my husband of six years as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Daddy!!" In this moment, my two sons came running into the room, each of them hugging their father's legs from either side.

"How was work daddy?" They inquired, looking up to him.

"Ahh never mind me! Work was great but how was school eh? First day of big school how did it go!?"


"I'll be as old as you soon daddy!"

"Oh so are you saying I'm old, huh?" He acted hurt, placing a hand on his heart as he turned to face Billy who had made the statement. Billy quickly began to look increasingly guilty.

"I'm sorry daddy..I-I didn-"

"Daddy doesn't except apologies, but do you wanna know who does?" He looked between both Billy and Tommy, each of them shaking their heads in confusion.

"THE TICKLE MONSTER!" He yelled, hands at the ready to capture both of them. My boys screamed as they ran around the kitchen, weaving around every obstacle in their way, including me. The three of them laughed, (especially my husband who was by far laughing the loudest, himself possibly being the biggest kid in the room). The laughing, fun and games eventually stopped when Billy and Tommy were noticeably tired.

"I wish I could go to work!" Tommy pouted.

"Nah don't wish your life away son, you've got years to be wrinkly and grey like your old man!" His laughter caused our children to giggle along with him. He's crazy. He's thirty, hardly retirement-home ready yet. The adorable conversations continued as my husband helped my son's into their usual places at the dining table. I overheard Billy telling his Dad how much he wanted to be a police man whereas Tommy was set on a more hands-on creative job as a builder. I was impressed by both of their attitudes to work actually, and as their mother, it's up to me to make sure they get to do whatever they want to when the time comes. Luckily, I got my life sorted, but that's down to my own work. I didn't need the help. But I'll be there for them either way...

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