Human Noblesse

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I felt more myself the next day. Though I could still feel how unstable I had fallen. Me who was known as unstable beforehand to the nobles. They would all call me deranged now I was sure of it.

I spent the next twenty-four hours in broken sleep out in the yard. I didn't know what I would do with the clearing that was left there. Maybe a new lake would go well once I shovelled out all the now toxic soil. When I get back to the lab I would have to design something that the Dark Spear wouldn't affect.

I swept into the throne room like I had every right to be there. There were more on guard then last time. Though the Lord was trying to look calm but I could see from how straight she sat that she was anything else but calm. I waited for her to speak. She held out longer then I thought.

"A pleasure as always Lord of Lukedonia"
"I have talked with the family leaders and had decided that we wish to see this strength you talk of before we discuss what you want from us for getting rid of the traitors"
"How Noble of you to doubt a human, but I will agree to it. We may as well get it over with"

I swept from the room. If I didn't hold my position now they may look down on my Master and that I could not have.

I headed for the clearing I once used with Ragar. It would still be there with the amount of power I had leaked into the soil over the time I lived here. I stood and waited for them. They walked behind there lord a little like ants.

"Who is it I am to face" I asked the lord.

She was about to answer when a blond who looked a little like Krasis Blerster spoke.

"My lord please allow me"
She ignored him.
"Kei Ru you will show him that we are not to be taken lightly"

Gejutel was leading the way to the cliff of to the side when I stopped him.

"Krasis and Ragar's son as well"
They all turned to me before eyeing the Lord.
"If you are that eager for a quick match then they may"
Krasis son all but danced forward.

"I'm Karias Blerster"
"Rajak Kertia"

The rest left. This should be fun two close range and one ranged. It would make it hard for the range to strike. I would have to wait and see how patient he was. I moved right to the other side to have the trees at my back. Wondering if I could maintain wings through out my spar.

"Dark spear come to my call"

Its power left me going up then back down in a bolt of lightning. It helped to spread my power across the sky making the air feel heavy.

I watched as they summoned there own. I let the Dark Spears power climb my arms and made the wings I had become so fond of. It made my Master feel closer each time. I Pulled them in tight to cover more of my back. They would not get in the way as they were not solid but they would allow another part of me to strike from.

I didn't turn when Gejutel called out.

"Your wings truly show who you belong to"

I laughed but didn't reply.

"Are you ready" I called to my three opponents
I got a nod from two and a shout out.
"I'm ready when you are sir"

I swept my wing down conquering spikes above them and let them drop.

They dodged. Good the where better then I had hopped. I lent to the side to avoid the arrow from Karias. Rajak vanished in a swirl while Kei charged. I didn't bother to move as Kei went in for a frontal attack. Instead I challenged him with my own strike of the dark spear, holding back so neither one of us made ground.

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