Dallon's Plan

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I can only hope it's true enough, that every little thing I do for love, redeems me from the very moment I deem worthy of the worst things that I've done.
-Oh Glory(Panic! At the Disco)

"Pain is worth knowing you"

The words hit Ryan hard. He felt himself go warm, something he hadn't felt since he first laid eyes on Brendon's eyes.

His head began to burst into a sharp pain. It was terrible. Ryan fell to the ground, grunting as his body weakened and pretty much collapsed into, what felt endless, pain.

The boy shrieked as his forehead landed into his, now sweaty, palms. His eyes leaked tears uncontrollably. His emotions were rushing back to him and he hated it. Ryan had no control over what is referred as the 'emotion switch.' It just wrecked him at the worst moments, mostly when he was overdriven with lust or stress. The necklace was his only key to controlling himself remotely, which he'd recently began to avoid wearing it. Just to block out any thoughts of Brendon's beautiful mud brown eyes or the awful thought of murdering Brendon's entire family and then ruining Brendon's chance to actually live a normal life.

Ryan suddenly felt warm arms around him. Brendon, no...please. Ryan felt his stomach twist into a knot.

"Ry....I'm here." The words left Ryan to lose his cool and yell, "NO," Ryan paused, realizing that the arms around him had tightened and wet warmth had come appeared where Brendon rested his head, "I'm...I'm sorry...I just can't do this to you." Brendon's grip grew tighter, he sighed and sniffled, "you have no choice," his words were full of choked down tears and pure love, "I'm staying no matter what."


Dallon smirked from above the scene. His plan was working and it was going better than he had planned.

He felt Pete glaring up at him, "was this your plan?" Pete's words startled Dallon, "to torture them into love?" Dallon turned the shorter man and laughed, "there's more to it than that, my friend."

He turned back to the two boys as his smirk changed into a more happy smile, "I've been planning this for thousands and thousands of years. But it's way more than that. I've known of the other three paths these boys would be in. None of them are pleasant. I'm just helping them."

Pete turned to the boys and frowned with confusion, "what do mean by 'the three other paths'?" He asks, "you're a seer of the future? Or whatever they're called." Dallon looked down at Patrick, who was listening in on the conversation, and then turned back to Pete, "I guess you could say that. I'm still a filthy blood sucker though. Always have been, always will be." Patrick cringed at the wording, "you're not that bad. I hated you for a bit, but now I see what you were doing. This is more than causing pain for your own interest and fame. This is legitimate selflessness."

Dallon shook his head and giggled to himself. "Oh, only if others thought that way about me."


Brendon felt Ryan's body stop shaking. His eyes were almost glued shut and opening them felt like peeling your mouth to take a drink of water after hours of having it closed. Ryan was looking directly at the brown haired boy, the tears said 'go away and leave me be' but his eyes told a different story.

"Ryan are you oka-"

"I love you."

Brendon felt his entire face burn red as his eyes became wide circles of surprise. He didn't exactly expect to hear that, and when he did hear it, he just felt his spirit lift from sadness and fear to happiness and greatness. "I love you too, Ryan." He smiles, seeing Ryan's face brighten up with excitement.

The two boys' faces grew closer and met at the lips.

Please, let this never end.

They pull away, smiling uncontrollably, then their little universe was interrupted by the short man wearing a fedora and glasses from the group of three on the staircase. "How're you feelin', Brendon?!" Bren's face glowed red as he turned to the short man, "shut up, Patrick!" He chuckles and looks back at Ryan.

"His name is Patrick?" Ryan questioned. Brendon giggled and nodded as Ryan laughed at the adorable boy, "fits him."

So, I guess this was cool, right???? I mean I was like "why not make this cute" so I did. Now I'm giggling at my own writing, like a mischievous kindergartener giggling at curse words. Why am I like this?????

Anyways, don't forget to give feedback!

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