1- Onset (Beginning)

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I poured meself another glass of that golden brown liquid.
"Ah. That hit the spot. "I said to myself as I lay up against the bathroom wall.
"Honey?" My wife calls from the front door. "Honey I'm home." she called out to me. "In here." I slurred. My wife finds me with the bottle labeled 'goodnight kiss' and gasps.
"HONEY NO!" my eyes bulged as i exclamed "What?! What did I do?!"
"I laced that with a slow poison!!"
"For fuck sake you drank that much?"
"Well yeah I had a rough day and got fired"
"I don't give two shits!" she yelled "we need to get you to a hospital!" I feared it was too late for a hospital. What I thought was plain drunkeness was actually my liver slowly shutting down. I'm on my way to the hospital now but I can't.....

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