Chapter 7

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(A/N) Sorry if updates become few and far between over the next week.  I have a lot on my plate and then after that, I'm off for Christmas break for three weeks so there will be a lot of updates then hopefully.  Also, sorry if these aren’t very long.  I tried.

Jason's POV

I can't believe what i just heard.  Adam loved me?  i was flabbergasted as I stood there holding his food i had made him.  Did I love him back?  I hadn't loved anyone since... no.  I told myself I would never think of his name again.  Of all the  damned things he did to me.  I have to get out of here.  Now.  I quickly walked/ran to one of his dressers, I couldn't have cared less which, and threw the plate down, before turning and sprinting from the room.  I ran out the front door and ran down the long driveway and out into the quiet little street we lived on.  I ran and ran until my legs felt like jelly.  I ran until it felt like there were a million needles all stabbing into my lungs and legs.  I finally stopped at some gas station, one in which I didn't recognize, and hid in a little alleyway.  I curled up on the cold and wet ground and tried to keep my mind from going to the very thing that I had avoided for the past three years.  The very person who made me do these horrible things to myself.  The very person who ruined my life.

 Adam's POV

Right when Jason took off like that, I apologized, ended the call with Tyler, and tried to run after him.  By the time i made it outside, he was nowhere to be seen.  I called out his name, hoping to find him. I yelled and i screamed but I never saw nor heard any sign that he could hear me.  I collapsed on the ground and broke down into tears.  I cried and cried and felt so ignorant to not have locked my door.  Finally, once it began getting dark, I stood slowly, and convinced myself that he was in fact, not coming back at least for tonight. 

I walked back into the house and left the door unlocked upon noticing that he had left his keys here instead of taking them.  I collapsed on the couch and laid there wondering if he was alright.  I was worried sick by the time I finally decided to stand and leave the empty living room.  On my way up the stairs, I heard a noise coming from my room.  It sounded like some weird thud.  I froze on the spot and slowly and cautiously continued up the stairs and to where the noise originated from.  I walked into my room and saw nothing out of the ordinary.  That's strange; I could have sworn I heard something.  Maybe all this stress is finally getting to my head.  I walked over to my bed and plopped myself down on it.  I gently let sleep over take me and fell into a horrible nightmare.

I heard a bloodcurdling scream and I ran towards it.  I had no clue where I was going, but I knew that scream anywhere.  That was Jason's scream.  I ran and ran until I felt light headed and continued running.  I couldn't stop now.  I had to find him.  I ran and ran until... I saw him.  I couldn't even comprehend what i was seeing.  I screamed and screamed until there was no more air in my lungs.  Suddenly I sat straight up and felt a cool hand resting on my chest.  I looked around and discovered that i was back in my room and I looked to whom the hand belonged to.  I looked right into the blue eyes of Jason.  I gasped and looked into his red face.

"Why the hell didn't you answer my calls?!" He practically screamed in my face.  I gave him a questioning look and he looked even more pissed. "Oh don't you play dumb with me! I called you like fifty times!! I left at least twenty voicemails!  I was fucking stuck on some random street miles and miles away!"  I felt extremely guilty.  That must have been the thud I heard earlier!  My phone had been lying on my dresser and must have fallen off! I looked back into his eyes and saw him fuming.

"L-Look, Jason I'm sorry! I... I-I didn't hear my phone go off!"  By now I was in tears.  "I-I'm so sorry! I-I thought you just... wanted to never speak to me again!  I-I...--" I then felt his soft lips touch mine and felt any doubt disappear from me.

Gosh that felt so fast paced.  Sorry if it is i am of course writing this at school.

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