the find

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I heard a piercing scream I sprint out of my  small cell of a bedroom that is only filled with my win bed and my and a dresser and into the room where my mother lay surrounded by three men “Its ok just go back to bed Mackenzie.” My mother said as the men pinned her to the wall gun in hand. ““What is going on?” I replied flustered as two men dragged me out of the room. I tried to resist but before I could escort myself out their large hands were clasped around my wrist shoving me through the door and back into my bed. Where I sat crying as I listened to my mom scream again. I ran to exit my room but when I opened the door the two men shoved me back down onto the ground. Why is this happening think I told myself and then it hit me it was because of my father who passed away from the same lashes that are killing my mother. It's because of his escape plan, about two weeks ago we didn’t live here we lived in the town square with all the other people of our area. Now we live deep in the forest where we thought no one would find us but now the governments soldiers did. My father had a plan to run away to get out of this unfair place to escape so would have individuality. His plan got ruined when a surprise visit from the soldiers came to search our house and found his plan. He was immediately put two his death in the middle of town While my mother little sister and I ran into the forest. Little sister I totally forgot about Macie my dear little 11 year old sister. Questions raced my mind. Where is she? Is she ok? Will we be beat two? No they couldn’t no to kids but if it came down to it… I can't afford to think that way not right now while my mother is struggling to hold on to her life. After about ten more minutes there were no more screams when I opened the door again, no one was there I tiptoed down the hallway where I found them carrying her dead body out the door, tears dripped down my face as older man, short with hard cat eyes walked up to me with my sister being pulled with him by the collar of her p.j. top Macie I screeched as I pulled her into my arms. I looked up to find the realization that man is the president. “You two are coming with.” He said as he stared deep into my sole with his cat eyes. “why” “I'll explain later.” He said with a snarl. As he lead us into this huge plain and o locked into separate rooms with a small window on the door where I could see my sister across the room in her window starring at my with worried eyes.“Its OK.” I reassure her trying to pull myself together so I can be a good role model, but she just slugs down with her back on the door. After that the world went dark and when I awoke that was the last thing I remember but now I am laying in a high class bedroom with a huge bed with white silk sheets in beaded with flowers. When I climbed out of bed here was an outfit layed on the side table it was a purple top with a black leather jacket and silver jeans. I slipped on the tight outfit and tied my her in a high ponytail with the ribbon that was tied around my wrist from yesterday I exited my room a walked down this grand hall way where at the end I stood my sister and the president. My sister was wearing a pretty blue sundress. He was the first to break the silence “Come join me for breakfast.” He said as he led us to a dining hall just around the corner. We got served some oat meal while the president had some huge thee plate dish filled with I don’t know what. Then the president spoke “ Let’s cut to the chase, you both know what your father did, and I’m not going to punish you for his mistakes so I will send you back to your town where you will be under surveillance  24/7. Your plane leaves tonight follow the guards back to the sitting room.” We nod and follow the men out. The next few hours I watch the clock tick away 10 oclock than 11 when I reach 12 o' clock I fall into a daze and doze off into a sound sleep.                     

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