Chapter 17

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Lea's P.O.V

It's the result time..

Rob and nicole will join me..but i will be the one will go to DNA Center they will stay on the mall near the DNA center..

When I went at to DNA Center i saw Mrs.Karen and Krisiel waiting for me..

we get the result and i am the one who opened and read it..

it was..







I Saw Mrs.Karen crying that why i also cry..

KR: please take care of my granddaughter... if it's not my daughter wish... i will not give krisiel to her father... Here are krisiels docuements (birthcertificate, school forms, passport)

Me: thank you, don't worry mrs. karen i will treat krisiel as my daughter.. i will send her back to you every vacation..

Mrs.karen talk to krisiel

KR: be a good girl.. always pray..

(i didn't let mrs.karen finish.. i went outside.. i don't want to see goodbye's)

after a minute they went outside..

krisiel is crying..

Mrs.Karen give a big bag to me
it's krisiel things..

KR: i need to go.. just text me if you need something..

Me: ok thank you..

(I face krisiel)

Me: stop crying little girl.. you want to talk to your daddy?

she nodded..

i dialled aga's number

Aga: babes positive?

Me: Yes babes.. here she is.. she wants to talk to you..

(i give the phone to krisiel.)

K: hello?


K: I'm ok.. 

(i think krisiel is still shy..)

(I get the phone to krisiel)

Me: babes she is still shy.. 

Aga: I think so... babes when will you go back here?

Me: the day after tomorrow.. i need to go to my clinic and nicole will also need to go to school..

Aga.. I'm so excited..

Me: babes will talk to you later..we will go to the mall where Rob and nicole are..

Aga: ok bye.. take care i love you

Me; Ilove you too babes..

End call


Me: Krisiel we will go to the mall to meet tito Rob and ate nicole..

K: ok who are they?

Me: i will explain it to you later.. you want to eat something?

K: coffee and bread  (coffee for a child?)

Me: ok come on..let's go to the cafe restaurant

( i just call Rob that we will just go to a cafe restaurant before going to the mall)

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