"Best Friends"

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She was perfect. Or so we thought.. Her smile could light up a room!

 Her smile could light up a room!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Too bad she didn't stay that way..

Too bad she didn't stay that way

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We were friends with Jencia.  She was kind to us and cared when no one else did. Too bad she was just using us. But she is not to blame. A soul called Spirit was in controll. So we forgive you Jencia for the pain you gave us, and we will avenge you sacrifice...

January 5th 2005

"Hurry up Ivit and Tivi!" Jencia called smiling at them.

Octi, Avi, Via and Tavi were pulling Ivit and Tivi along. It was their birthday today so all there friends and sisters had a surprise.

"Come on..!" Octvia and Octavi said, "We have stuff to do so hurry this up."

They rushed to an abandoned house.

"Oooo!" Ivit and Tvit said, " Scarey... We like it!"

Everyone went into the house. As soon as they entered... the door shut... and locked... Everyone looked at eachother but then they all stared at Jencia. Something was off... Her eyes were closed. We slowly opened them to show dark red eyes.

"Elmac calvana voonac ramie combanis soulis odis.." said.. Jencia..? No that wasn't her voice..

'Jencia' lifted her hand and a black smoke came from it. Octi, Avi, Via, Ivit, Tivi, Tavi, Octvia and Octavi's hearts lifted up and became one. Their bodies disapeared and another formened. The one heart didn't enter the body. It stayed floating. Another heart came from Jencia and flew to the new body.

"No..!" Jencia said and weekly lifted her hand, "Zapbaca Trapous.. Meous"

The heart flew back to Jencia and stayed inside. Jencia's heart broke. The other girls heart went into this new body.

"No.." The 8 girls in one body said.

"You're now Octavia..." Jencia's said with her last words and faded...

"Die you Spirit.." Octavia said all as one and ran at Spirit in Jencia's body.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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