October 9th sunday

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Dear Diary,
I can never keep to these things so sowwie.

Anyway hi im victoia im 13 almost 14 and at the moment i hve no gender lol.
So at the moment its 13:45pm and all i wanna do is sleep but my grandad is doing my room.

So yh wrrn well its sunday today so i hve skl tomorrow :( i cry. One good thing is i get to see ally my frien who i kindaa got feelings for.....god i hope she doesnt read this that would be awkard.lol. oh yh im Bisexual but just between us i feel lke im a lesbiane cause i just dnt find a big atrackshion to boys. I mean yh ill say a boy is cute but i would never date them.its lke i think kellin quinn is sexy but then again i thinl alex (jonnie kilberts gf) is fit.

Any lets not talk bout my sexualtly.

Today my sister kinda got ran over by a bike. Yh we were at a skate boared park abd sh got.it the kids way and the bik fell on her th poor kid was si appopted he ws lke 9 lol.

I dnt no wat eske to put im a boring person oh yh im secne btw. lol kk well
Bai .x

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