Chapter 6

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Yasmine's POV

I woke up to a loud knocking on my door. I shouted, COMING. The knocking got louder. I opened the door there stood Jc he said, Wake up time for Magcon. Okay, I said.
I put on me and Michael outfit which Is a
- No. 1 Drama Queen crop top
-High wasted black shorts
-Black Vans.

-A red Jordan shirt
-Black Jean shorts
- Black and Red jordans

After I put my clothes on I went down to the lobby to meet where everyone else was at. When I got down there I notice Taylor and NASH starring at me.They notice me looking at them and looked down. We drove to the venue and went in. We got our Passes and went backstage.Jc motioned for me to text him so I did.

Jc-Im sorry for telling Taylor that Michael is his but you told him when you know that thing happened.

Me- It's okay I guess since I already told him.

Jc-Last night Michael asked me do I know who his father Is and I said yeah but I can't tell you and he got mad at me and said he's telling you today.

Me- :( I'll fix it.

Michael talk to uncle Jc,I said. Everyone starts looking at us.
No he didn't want to tell me who my father is, Micheal said as he crossed his arms and pouted.
I rolled my eyes and ran out of the room.I heard footsteps behind me but I just ran to the park I still heard footsteps.
I sat down on a tree and cried.
Some one tapped my shoulder.I looked up there stood the least person I wanna see right now. Taylor. He sat next to me.

He said, Yasmine I'm so sorry I wasn't in the right mind and I really didn't mean to get you pregnant.I really really feel bad.But I DON'T want to not be in that child's life so please let me be in his life. I said, I don't know if I want you in his life yet. He shouted, WHY MICHEAL IS 3 FUCKING YEARS OLD PLEASE. I flinched.  He said, Please don't be scared. I'm not,I said.
Taylor, I added. He said,Yes. I said, I want you to be in his life but don't disappoint him please.A big smile grew on his face. I won't,he said. I'm sorry about the bullying to I really am, he said he looked like he meant it. I forgive you Taylor,I said as I kissed his cheek. Taylor stopped walking and turned to me and said, "Yasmine I really like you,You complete me, you make me happy. Will you be my girlfriend,he asked. I smiled and said, Yes. He kissed me and hugged me tight.
We got back to the Venue and told everybody after we explained to them everything about what happened at the park and told everyone we were together they were happy for us but Nash was pissed I don't know why though. Then magcon started.
After Magcon In Yasmines Hotel room

So how is Taylor the father, asked Hayes. I looked at Taylor he nodded.
Well 3 years ago one day the boys threw me in their trunk and took me to Taylor house they made me do their homework after that Taylor r-raped me and then beat me he didn't use protection,I said as I cried. But I guess it's alright because I would have never had Michael, I added. I smiled. I think we should let him meet his father, I said as I smiled at Taylor. Mahogany went and got Michael from his nap.
Auntie what's so important,Michael said in a sleepy voice. I smiled.
Michael do you wanna meet your father, I asked. He grew a wide smile.
Yaasssssss, he squealed. Okay so what is his name, I said as I pointed to Taylor. I don't know, he said. His name is Taylor Michael Caniff,I said.
THATS MY NAME, he shouted at Taylor. You stole my name, He added.
No I didn't, Taylor laughed.
Mommy is this my father,he asked. I smiled. Yes he is, I said. Micheal jumped out of my arms and ran to Taylor. Daddy, he shouted. Taylor smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. Awww  Taylor's Crying, I said as I smiled. He laughed. Shut up, he said. Well guys we have to go to sleep,I said.Taylor said, Can I come. Sure, I said and smiled.
When we got to the room Taylor asked,can he bath Michael. I said, sure.
After he bathe Michael he put him to sleep.  Taylor walked up to me grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. He sat on the bed and pulled me to his lap. He looked down and looked back up. He said, "I can't say we made a beautiful child because I was being stupid and raped you and you really didn't co-operate I don't  even know why I raped you I guess because earlier that day while I was beating you I asked you out and you rejected me. 😞. Taylor I-,I started but was cut off. No I'm such a screw up my parents taught me better than this, He yelled. TAYLOR,calm down, I said in a whisper. I'm sorry, he cried.I didn't know what to do so I grabbed his face in both of my hands and kissed him passionately.It took him a while to kiss back but he did.We both stopped for air.When I caught my breathe I said,Taylor  don't get down on yourself please and I love you so much. He smiled and said,I love you too. We got in bed with Michael Taylor had his arm wrapped around my waist and mine was wrapped around his torso. "I Love you", We said at the same time and laughed. Until we fell asleep.

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