My chocie

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So yes I'm bisexual meaning I like both genders both boy and girl.  No it dosent mean I just like girls and no I just don't like boys I like both genders.
  Yes I'm the like the 20th out my family for having a different sexuality my cousin is gay with his boyfriend and I love them both very much they make me laugh a lot.
  I know what you guys are probably going to ask me have you ever dated a girl yes I have. I've dated a girl she was very sweet and nice and yes I'm dating a girl right now she like my best friend and she my parent in crime and we love each other so much and I ain't giving out names so.
   When I came out to my family about me being bisexual my dad and my mom were fine with it my older brother and me grew apart form each other cause we were really close and then he got used to it and we're close again 😃
Words can't describe how happy I was that my parents accepted it.
  {guys I'm going to stop right here for now}

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