Walking onto the train platform, holding his bag tight, and nuzzling his face into his scarf; Harry was taking his daily route to uni. In his last year at London University, he somehow managed to make it to the end without becoming homeless and broke. He held a job at a small diner being a part time busboy for two years. He sat down at his usual seat next to the old lady who offered him money when he was at his lowest point. He grateful for her and owes his life to someone who gives small acts of kindness effortlessly.

"Morning, Grace." he said with a genuine small spread across his face.

Once the train started to move he pulled out a medium, beautifully decorated box out from his bag being careful not to drop it. Sighing she took the box in her small in her fragile dainty hands.

"Harry, love, I told you weeks in advance no gifts. You just don't take no for an answer do you?" She opened it carefully, tearing up as she did so.

"I know you lost George recently, and your kids are with their own lives and I can't help with every second of the day and keep you company; so I've decided on something that I know will help with the loneliness."

In the box, was a small black spotted kitten, the size of one of Harry's hands. Crying, Grace was speechless.

"Harry dear I don't know what to say-"

"It's okay, there's nothing to say, I just wanted to help as you did to me."

Just as Harry looked around the train, he spotted people that he recognized. But in front of him, on the other side of the train was a small, feathery haired boy. Headphones in, humming, tapping on the railing next to him. He was squished between the metal wall next to the door (idk what it's called sorry) and a middle aged man. He looked cold, hands almost blue and looking for warmth in his long black coat. He smiled and tiny smile with his eyes closed when his favorite part of the song came up.

Harry almost lost it.

A/N: sorry it's not that long and it took forever for Louis to show up but just work with me here.

edited by wifey 10/17/16 (i should be doing homework but you're more important)

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