The train stopped and Harry lurched forward.

I think I just found the love of my life

"No you didn't Harry stop being ridiculous,"

Looking around, Grace gets confused,

"Harry dear, are you talking to yourself?"


He shakes his head and brushes Grace off smiling apologetically.

"Yea no it was nothing,"


He's just blushing super hard right about now. Louis looks up scanning the room carelessly wanting to know what the commotion was about. Shrugging, Louis goes back to focusing on the next song playing. He feels weird though. Like something's wrong. Like he's being watched. He looks up and sees a giant frog and a sketchy looking grandpa looking in his direction.

Hmm. Must be the grandpa.

He giggles at his thoughts and rests his head on the window behind him. Meanwhile, Harry is over here is going into cardiac arrest.

Grunting like a child, he mumbles something along the lines of "Too perfect, no no no no, he fucking giggled."

All throughout the ride to uni Harry's contemplating creating a new religion just for this stranger. The art of the great Greek God called...... Wait doesn't know his name.


Harry notices his stop is approaching soon but doesn't want to leave because he is still on. Sighing he gathers his stuff and looks to the seat next to him. Grace left a few stops back. He really hopes he made Grace happy again. The train stops and Harry notices Jesus get up too.


The cutest guy on the planet other than Brad Pitt (Harry likes them older) is not going to my school. No, I will not allow this. Harry chokes on his own spit when he gets off and walks in his direction.

"Jesus fucking Christ no."

Louis looks at the stranger next to him. It's the giant frog. Pretty cute but talks to himself. Strange. Life all goes down to hell when Louis walks on the campus grounds and enters the building.

He fucking enters the building.

Mayday, I repeat, mayday.

"Alright let's see how much more I can take."

A/N: this is small, but I forget easily so I'm trying to remember what the fuck the idea was again. I'm hoping this isn't too predictable tbh. So
sorry I guess. Thanks to the people tho for reading at least the description.

edited by wifey 10/17/16
Kim: amy you're precious

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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