150 reads!

455 3 2

Ok I didn't think we would read this but we did 150 reads like Omg I'm so happy so...instead of making promises I can't keep here's the background for  your character enjoy.

You were always bullied at school,home everywhere your parents were abusive they would hold you underwater when you went to either the sea or the pool you had a sister who you stuck up for everyday once your father pulled a knife out on her and you stood in the way and you have a huge scar in your arm from were the knife hit, your sister ran away when she was 13 leaving you to fend for yourself you got adopted by a different family and they were just as bad and with out your sister to comfort you you were having suicidal thoughts and then at the age of 18 you were exempted into overwatch

Sorry if this upset anything but yeah your character has had a rough childhood sorry but it's the way I want it and god dam I'm American actually I'm British anyway
Burger out!✌️

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