Hopeless Wanderers

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"I can't believe he just gave you that." Lauren frowns. She really should smile more-- she is so classically beautiful with her silky blond hair, elegant features and tasteful style, but her constantly scowling ruins the look. "Weird old man."

I don't even care what Lauren is saying anymore-- I can't stop looking at my new ring. The Amber Jewel is cut in so many different angles, like an impossible 3D shape. If you look closely you can see your own reflection.

"I like him." Guy says happily. He's always happy. I smile to myself, examining my current situation; I am in Rainbow, the coolest magical city in Moonbeam, with new friends (ignoring Lauren) and a new ring which might just be what I need to solve some of my... arising problems.

The three of us walk slowly down the streets, and I try my best to take in everything.

There are many other roadside stands and shops, selling everything under the sun. I see a store selling 'The Latest Fashion for Every Being", a stand selling pink Putney fish which smell and taste like cheese, a shop selling rare magical instruments with a green-faced goblin sitting at the door playing soulful music. We pass a small food market which is busy with Beings crowded around hot food stands. The most popular one seems to be the stand selling Salty Octonuts. The smells are so delicious they make my mouth water. Guy's eyes grow big.

"Want any Octonuts?" He asks Lauren and I. Lauren shakes her head, folding her arms over her perfect outfit.

"I don't eat street food."

Guy looks at me. I can't help but laugh-- he looks so excited! "I've never tried them before!"

Guy grins and looks at Gibby, who nods his head. He runs off to the stand and comes back, holding three Octonuts wrapped in vine leaves.

They taste even better than they smell! The salty goodness melts in my mouth-- it doesn't look too impressive; it reminds me of a large chicken nugget. But it is a nut delicacy, a speciality of Rainbow.

This is the life.

I'm polishing off my Octonut with pure satisfaction, admiring two pixie guys lingering outside a potion shop, pointy ears and all, when Lauren announces out of nowhere: "Where's the rest of the Group?"

Guy and I look at each other, licking the remaining crumbs off our lips. I peer at the street around us. There are so many Beings here, alone or in small groups, and even some creatures like flying lemurs around. But no one from Group 5.

"Great. We've lost the group." Lauren whines.

"They won't be that far away," I offer. "Let's just keep walking along this street."

But we've passed numerous side streets since when we last saw the group. They could be anywhere in the city.

We walk for a good fifteen minutes, then half an hour. With every step I lose a little more hope in finding the rest of the group, but besides Lauren's constant whinging I am enjoying myself; it's like we are exploring the city ourselves, getting to see the little things that make the bigger picture. I have already made a friend here: I bumped into a lovely fairy who was working at a fabric stand, and we ended up chatting about Rainbow and how we ended up here. Her name is Kaylee and she moved from her village to Rainbow to go to a prestigious training school for fairies. She works at the shop to help her grandmother who runs it. I wanted to meet her grandmother, who sounded lovely, but Lauren practically pulled me away. I'll make sure to run into Kaylee again, sometime.

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