Part 1

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The cresent Autumn moon hung gracefully in the overcast midnight sky, catching the edges of the clouds in a soft silver glow. A cool breeze swept over the land, caressing long blades of grass and russling leaves in the tall oak trees. The night was usually quiet, filled only occationally with the distant howling of a pack of wolves and the rushing of water in a nearby stream. This night however, was not peacefully quiet. This night was filled with shouts of soldiers, snapping of twigs, and crackles of brightly burning torches held in large, powerful hands. There was a particularly loud snap of twigs and shouts from the men carried on after it.

"Where is it?!"

"I just saw it! Over there!"

"Ack! Stupid brat threw a rock at me!"

"Where did it go!"

"There he is men!"

"After it!!"

The men yelled barbarically, brandishing their torches and spears and hurrying after the figure that darted back into the trees. The soldiers feet pounded on the forest floor, crunching on dead leaves and slamming on roots of tall trees. The figure that they were chashing was obviously smaller and much more quick on their feet, sliding through thin openings in trees and bushes, hopping over stumps, and hardly making a sound. Jumping through the bushes and appearing in an open clearing, the figure looked around desperatly. Where could he go? The footsteps behind him were only growing louder, and the glow of the torches was seeping through the trees. As a last effort upon seeing a house in the distance, he ran towards it at top speed, sliding into a space along the side of the house between a wooden crate and a stack of damp hay. He slunk down, burying himself in the black cloak he wore and slowing his breathing. He wouldn't die, not today. He didn't want to. He could hear the footsteps of the soldiers come closer and bit down on his lips, sharp teeth puncturing his lip. The soldiers passed, footsteps growing fainter and fainter as they disappeared deeper into the woods. Taking a breath, he peered out from under his cloak, red eyes scanning the surrounding, and ears strained for the slightest noise. He stood, and moved to peer around the corner of the house. The clearing was empty. Just as he was about to run away to the opposite side of the clearing, the door to the house opened and he darted back behind the wall. From where he stood, he could make out the figures that had emerged from the doorway. One was a girl with medium length hair, dressed in armoured plating. The other was a boy, who must've been an albino judging from his hair colour, came out behind her, clutching a sword at his side. "What do you figure that was about Gilbert?" The girl spoke and her voice was laced with a strange accent he had never heard before. Just how far had he ran? "Probably nothing Lizi, maybe they were hunting down that weirdo killing people's animals." The boy spoke this time, accent making his speech rough before he broke out into the most ridiculous laugh he had ever heard. Despite his best efforts, he chuckled lightly at the other's over the top laugh. They both froze and he clamped a hand over his mouth. "Did you hear that?" Gilbert(?) whispered. As they both slowly looked around, he started backing up. He had to get into the woods before they caught him. Not taking his eyes off the boy and girl, he continued to back up. His back hit something hard and he whipped around, only managing to let out a cry before he was hoisted into the air by a powerful pair of arms. The man slammed him up against a tree and pointed the wooden steak at his chest. "I found him!!" The man cried and almost instantly he was joined by nearly all of his companions. He shook and screamed and kicked at the man, begging, pleading for them to let him go, that he didn't do anything, but the mans grip only tightened and the steak pressed harder against his chest. The man that must've been the leader pushed through the crowd around him and walked to stand beside the man holding him against the tree. "Let's get a good look at you...devil." The leader raised a hand and pulled the hood off of him, revealing light brown hair and piercing crimson eyes, and to their surprise, a rather young looking face, he looked no older than twelve. The boy whimpered as they stared at him, the leader only smirking. "How long have we been tracking this demon? And he turns out to be a little kid." The statement was greeted by a chorus of laughter from the men behind him. "Hey! What are you doing to that kid?" The men parted and turned around to stare at the albino who had spoken. In the light from the torches, his red eyes sparkled with curiosity and determination. "None of your business kid, shouldn't you be inside at this hour?" The leader asked, not turning around. The albino smirked. "Well, I've never really cared much for the rules. I'm just curious, cause you know, you have some kid pinned up against a tree and are threatening to stab him with...a...wooden steak?" The albino's eyes suddenly widened and he took a step back. "No way..." The leader nodded and turned back to the boy struggling against the other mans grip. "He is a vampire." The boy struggled more at this, and began rasping out to them in a heavily accented voice. "No! No I'm not! Let me go!! I didn't do anything!" He was screaming by the time he finished the sentence. The mans grip tightened and the boy's eyes drifted over to lock with the albinos, eyes screaming for help. He held his gaze only for a few seconds before the albino visibly huffed. "Hang on. Shouldn't you hear his side of the story?" The leader stopped, hand ready to plunge the sharp piece of wood into the boys chest. He turned. "Why should we do that?" "Well, he's just a kid. Maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, does he even have fangs?" The leader turned back to the boy who had stopped struggling and had his mouth clamped firmly shut. "Yes." The leader said, voice laced with venom. "Let's see, shall we?" He dropped the wooden steak and grabbed the boys jaw. The boys thrashing started up again, he couldn't let them open his mouth. After a full minute of struggling, the leader managed to pry open his mouth, revealing two shining, sharp white fangs. He let his hand fall and the boys jaw clamped shut again. The leader turned to the albino, who was standing there with his mouth open. "See? Vampire." The boy started struggling again and another man had to step up to help the other hold the boy against the tree. "Please!! Please!! Let me explain!!!" The boy screamed, not trying to conceal the sharp teeth anymore. The albino smirked and gestured to the boy causing the leader to huff and turn back to the boy. "Fine." He spat. "Explain." The boy seemed lightened and launched into his story. "I was walking around the country side when I got lost. It was getting late and it looked like it might rain so I took shelter under a tree in that woman's fields. I fell asleep and when I woke up she was screaming. I didn't know what was going on until she gestured to me and you guys started chasing me." The leader scoffed. "She called us because someone had apparently killed off two of her sheep, when we arrived and you were there and she was saying this, you were our only culprit." The boy blinked and the leader scowled. "And if you didn't do it. If you're not a vampire. Why do you have fangs and red eyes." The boy chewed at his bottom lip, causing it to bleed. "Well." He spoke slowly. "I am a vampire, but I'm not the type that you think I am!" The group laughed. "Oh really?" A man spoke. "How are you different then?" The boy frowned. "Well...crosses and holy water don't do anything to me, in fact, I'm Catholic. I also don't like blood, I get nauseous from just looking at it." The leader seemed puzzled. "And the sun and garlic...?" The boy sighed. "Well...those are partly true. I get sunburned very easily when I'm in direct sunlight. And I can't eat garlic cause it makes my throat swell." A murmur broke out among the group. "Well, if you didn't kill off the sheep, mind telling us what could have then?" The boy was quiet for a minute before answering. "Isn't there a wolf pack that lives near that village? Wolves could've killed those sheep." The group was silent, seeing that somehow, the boys answer made sense. "Fine." The leader said and the men holding the boy dropped him. The boy landed on his butt with an 'ouch'. "It seems we were mistaken. But if you try anything, we know who you are." With that, the leader picked up the steak and his torch and left. Followed slowly behind by his men. After they had left, the albino walked forward and extended a hand to the boy at the base of the tree. The boy smiled, flashing pointed teeth, before taking the albinos hand and letting himself be hauled to his feet. "You ok?" The albino asked as the boy brushed himself off. "I'm ok. Thank you so much for helping me." The boy said, smiling again. The albino found himself smiling as well. "No problem. Someone as awesome as me always likes to help people!" The boy chuckled. "My name's Gilbert by the way! But most people know me as Prussia." The boy's red eyes widened slightly. "You're a country too? My name's Vladimir, or Romania." Gilbert smiled and shook Vlad's outstretched hand. "Well it's nice to meet you Vlad!"   

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