Part 2

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K I really like the idea of all of Ancient Rome's descendants living in a huge house together or something until he dies. So I like to think those people include: Italy, Romano, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Romania. I've never written for a vast amount of these characters, but I'll try my best to keep them in character.

Age of each (all years listed are when they gained independence or joined or whatever):

Italies: 1861 (Mar.17)=Human age: 13---Names: Feliciano, Lovino

Spain: 1868 (Feb.12)=Human age: 13---Antonio

Portugal: 1580 (Jun.10)=Human age: 17---Alejandro

France: 1790 (Jul.14)=Human age: 16---Francis

Netherlands: 1909 (Apr.30)=Human age: 12---Lars

Belgium: 1831 (Jul.21)=Human age: 15---Laura

Luxemburg: 1890 (Jul.23)=Human age: 12---Christian

Romania: 1859 (Jan.24)=Human age: 14---Vladimir

If I messed up on one, sorry. Feel free to correct me though! I had to switch some things to make this work though XD



~~One week later~~

~October 22, 1624~

Vlad's eyes snapped open to the loud sound of pots banging from the downstairs kitchen. "Get up! You've all slept long enough!" He let out a groan, one that was soon echoed by the occupant of the bed on the other side of the room. Vlad rolled over, pulling a pillow over his head to muffle his grandfathers pot banging. It didn't do much and after a minute he pulled the pillow off and chose to just ignore it, as loud as it might have been. About five minutes later, the banging stopped and Vlad fell into a blissful boarder of sleep and consciousness. Just as he was about to loose consciousness, the door of the room slammed open and his grandfather entered the room. "I didn't raise you to be lazy countries!" He walked over to the window on the opposite side of the room and pulled the blinds open, letting piercingly bright light into the dark room. Vlad literally hissed and pulled the blankets up over his head. "Up!" His grandfather commanded again before leaving the room. The occupant on the other side of the room chuckled and rustling was heard as he pulled himself out of bed. He crept over to Vlad's bed and shook his shoulder. "C'mon Fangs, the suns not gonna kill ya." Vlad only groaned again and buried himself deeper into the blankets. The other scoffed. "Seriously Vlad. I'm not gonna get yelled at by avô for waiting for you to get up!" Vlad groaned again. "Then leave Ali." He mumbled, still hidden under his blankets. Alejandro only shook his head and moved to the foot of Vlad's bed. He hid a smirk as he grabbed the others ankles and dragged him off the bed. Vlad could only yelp as he was dragged out of his warm bed to hit the cold wooden floor. Letting go of the other, Alejandro smirked. "Get going or there won't be any breakfast left." Without another word to the younger, he left and bounded down the stairs. Leaving a very displeased Vlad glaring at his retreating back. He sighed, thinking that missing breakfast didn't sound very appealing, he got to his feet and began dressing for the day.

~Time skip~

When he had finished and made his way down the stairs to their galley-like kitchen. Open counters with a large slab of wood in the dead center of the kitchen that served as counter space, behind which was two large stoves and ovens. A large ice box sat in the room to the right of the kitchen. Above the counters to the left of the stoves was a window that opened out to the backyard, where Vlad could already see Antonio and Lovino picking tomatoes in the large garden. Francis and Feliciano were busying themselves in the kitchen, plates of food already set out for all the occupants of the house. Sitting along the counters, Alejandro, Lars, and Christian were engaging in conversation as they stuffed their mouths full of food. Laura was the only one not here yet. Vlad sighed again, entering the large kitchen and grabbing a plate. A large pile of eggs, potato wedges, and fresh sliced tomatoes stared back at him from the plate and he slumped himself down in the chair to the right of Alejandro. The older sent a curious glance his way but said nothing. Vlad slumped further in his chair, fork pushing the eggs around on his plate. Why was there never any type of meat on these plates? God he could go for some pork or beef...oh god was he drooling? He self consciously wiped a hand across his chin. "Ve~ Good morning Vlad! How's breakfast?" Vlad's eyes darted up to meet Feliciano's excited face leaning over the counter at him. He managed a tight lipped smile before replying, accent thicker than all his siblings. "Hm? Oh, it's great Feli. Wish I could cook this good." The younger Italian beamed at him before sending a quick glance over his shoulder at Francis, and then over to the others who were too preoccupied with their talking to notice. Feliciano leaned closer, pulling out something wrapped in a napkin and sliding it into Vlad's hands before whispering something. "Here, made it quickly. Also, Nono wants to see you after you're done." And just as quickly he turned and headed back deeper into the kitchen. Confused, Vlad looked down at the napkin wrapped thing in his hands and unraveled it. Inside were two warm, grilled, pork sausages and his mouth watered at the smell. He looked up to catch Feli's eye and saw the younger send him a wink from where he was struggling with a basket of tomatoes. Vlad smiled and dug into his meal. Finishing quick and heading off to the living room where his bunic was sitting and reading. As he walked, he passed Laura coming out of her room and she smiled at him. "Morning Fangs." She said, brushing passed him and ruffling his hair, making him knock hers away and smooth down his hair, sending her a half hearted glare as he did so. He turned the corner and entered the living room.



avô- Portuguese, means grandfather

Nono- Italian, means grandfather

bunic- Romanian, means grandfather

Just basically them all addressing grandpa Rome in their different languages.

Also, I'm a sucker for people calling Vladimir(as a nickname) Fangs, so that's why this happened XD

Hope you liked it!


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