Part 6

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How many years has it been? Holy dang I'm not even going to try to be forgiven for how long I've left this sitting in the dark corner of my room. For all of you that have been sitting around and waiting for me to do the thing and update this damn thing, VOILA! and sorry it took so long.

Originally, I was going to make this historically accurate but man that is HARD and I really didn't have enough plot that I could work in with the historical stuff. So basically, consider this an AU where Romania is living with Holy Rome and you know those romance language speaking countries. I'll try to keep this entertaining for you all XD

P.S: it has been a while, so forgive me if my writing style changed and developed a little bit more. I am older and wiser now XD



~4 years later~

Vlad worried his lip as he read the incantation over again for the hundredth time that day. It was impossibly frustrating, all the vowels clumped together made it difficult for him to enunciate the words and therefor harder for him to get the spell right. It was a simple transformation spell, the only thing making it difficult besides his accent was the particular thing he was trying so hard to transform into.  

'C'mon Vlad..' He thought to himself, pouting. 'Vampires do it all the time! And you are a vampire for Christ's sake!' Vlad huffed a breath and put the book down, shaking out his arms and praying to whatever God really existed out there that he wouldn't end up some hideous mix of human and bat. Not when he had a very important family dinner to attend that night. He stood in the middle of a very intricate chalk patter that he had spent hours perfecting on the cold stone floor of his basement and extended his arms out to the edges of the shape.

"Mundus spirituum, sacrilegas," He began, words rolling off his tongue and trying not to catch on his long canines.

"Oro te...

Dona mihi virtute maiorum meorum,

Quod exaltatus fueris ut ibi fecit semel,

Et adfligentes cor omnium naturae metum,

Et sic portat ratione spirituum et tenebrae." The pattern burned a deep red and he cut a long red line down the pale skin of his forearm, letting the dark liquid drop down onto the chalked surface. The red light grew brighter and brighter until his silhouette was devoured by it. When the light faded, Vlad was still standing in the centre of the chalk pattern.

"Fecior de curva!!" Vlad cursed loudly, kicking the chalk pattern and smudging it along the floor. He continued his small temper tantrum for a minute, cursing the winds and his bad luck, before collapsing onto the floor. He pulled his knees to his chest and buried himself in his cloak, sulking bitterly. 'You'd think months of preparation would pay off at least a little...' Vlad thought to himself, glaring at the floor in front of him. He continued to glare at the floor until the creaking of his basement door and an amused sigh brought him out of his moping shell.

"What did you do this time, Vlad?" Christian asked, leaning against the door frame. The light from the hallway seeped into the darkened room from around him and a gust of wind swept past him, extinguishing the candles in the room. Vlad squinted at the bright light invading his senses after so long in the semi-darkness.

"Nothing!" Vlad shouted, suddenly defensive. "Nothing I haven't done before! It's not like it works anyway!" He felt a bit embarrassed for throwing a fit in front of his YOUNGER brother, but he was far too frustrated to mind what Christian might think.

The younger only rolled his eyes and offered him a pitiful smile. He moved from where he stood in the doorway and came to crouch in front of where Vlad still sat, curled up in a ball. "You know that if grousspapp ever found out what you were doing he'd throw a fit, right?"

"I still don't understand why, there's nothing wrong with it."

"...Nothing wrong with summoning demons?"

Vlad seemed genuinely shocked at this and lifted his head from where it lay across his arms. "I do NOT summon demons! Transformation spells, conjuring spells, and transportation spells are NOT the same as demon summoning ones!!" Christian rolled his eyes again and the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

"I'm going to pretend I know what you're talking about Fangs." He began, teasingly. "But you know how he gets. He's sees those weird cards of yours and those cultist books you keep reading and...well, it worries him!" 

Vlad pouted up at his younger brother and removed the hood from his head, hair sticking up from static. "Tarot cards aren't devil worship. And there's nothing wrong with cult fiction, it's pretty fascinating actually."

"Regardless, maybe you should...take a break from this stuff?"

Vlad huffed and stood up, brushing chalk and dust off his cloak and heading to a table near the back of the room. He re-lit the candles that had been blown out by the sudden gust of wind that had entered the room when Christian had entered. "I'm not going to take a break from this stuff." He said carefully, holding a candelabra made of intricately twisted metal in his left hand. Vlad flipped a few pages into the spell book he had been reading till he found the page he was looking for. "Black magic is an art, it has to be practised regularly or else be forgotten forever to the winds of fate."

Christian scoffed and shook his head. "Alright then drama queen. C'mon, gousspapp is waiting for you. We have to be at dinner in twenty minutes." 

That was enough to pull Vlad from his spell book. His head whipped up and he nearly dropped the candelabra. In one swift movement, he flung his cloak off and whipped past Christian. "Ce naiba Christian! You couldn't have told me ten minutes ago!!" And that was the last the younger heard before Vlad was thundering his way upstairs. Christian laughed and picked up the fallen cloak, hanging it over the table with a thoughtful glance at the open spell book. Then, he blew out the candles and left the room.


So, I'm not one to put notes at the end of my chapters, but I just thought I'd clarify that I do not speak Latin or Romanian(though I am learning), so all the stuff in those respective languages was translated on Google Translate XD

That being said, the incantation I came up with ended up sounding pretty cool when translated back to English from Latin so, have a gift.

The world spirits unholy;

I beg you...

Give me the power of the traditional way of my feet,

That thou mount on high so that he has done this once,

And breaking the heart of a fear of nature;

And thus carry the spirits and darkness.


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