Chapter one: The school trip

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Hi guys, this is my very first story on wattpad so pls tell me what you think of it. I am very open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you have any questions about anything pls feel free to comment however might I add that I would greatly appreciate it if the comments were not rude or down putting (if that really is a word XD), also pls guys don't plagerise. Anyhoo without any further ado, this is the story you have all been waiting for,(I wish lol) Frenemies!
P.s. I actually have my very own frenemy although she is really quite nice most of the

Chapter One: The school trip

"Wake up slow coach you are going to be late for the school trip!!"
I woke up groggy and light-headed to see my mum opening my curtains. The light blinded me temporarily.

"Jeez mum, do you want me become a fruit bat that badly?"

"Do you want to be late for school and miss the trip to Spain that you have been looking forward to all year?" She calmly retorted.

Wow, for once she made a valid point, I was impressed. I checked the time on my phone which sat charging on my bedside table. Eight o'clock. Crap. I was supposed to be in school with all my stuff by Eight thirty. Crap, crap, crap! Suddenly feeling rejuvenated I dashed out of bed and into my en-suite bathroom taking the quickest shower ever at 2 minutes. Thank goodness I had packed everything and gotten today's outfit ready last night, or I would have been in a right kerfuffle now. Pulling on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a cute white off the shoulder top with my favourite timberlands I practically flew downstairs and made myself a piece of toast. My younger sister was standing there looking amused already fully dressed in her own school uniform. Damn her for being so perfect! I checked the watch that had miraculously appeared on my wrist for the current time, 8:10. Thank goodness we lived near the school it would only take me ten minutes to get there. Feeling a strong sense of relief wash over me I plodded back up the stairs to my room to get the rest of my things.


I arrived at school with 5 minutes to spare.

Looking around I soon spotted my besties Charlotte and Savannah. Charlotte was a spirited, outspoken brunette with big brown eyes and green glasses that suited her face perfectly. Although she might look like a sweetheart, she could could cuss damn well. Everyone in my year knew not to mess with her. Charlotte was wearing a white cropped top with dark jeans that hugged her figure. She was a trend setter who always wore the latest outfits.

Savannah on the other hand was quite shy or so she seemed to be. She had narrow glasses that she preferred to keep off of her face and light brown hair. She was an all A* student and hardly ever got into trouble, but once she was on the train with me and Charlotte she could turn into a lean mean cussing machine. Savannah was wearing a pistachio green sundress.

Meeting up with my baes made me feel more relaxed. Soon enough their excitement was transferred to me and we were all chatting away incessantly. Suddenly a hush fell over the group of kids waiting for the coach to arrive, I turned round to find the head of languages, looking pissed off, standing at the front of the mass of teenagers. She was not a person to mess with.

"You haven't been standing here for long and you have already managed to give a migraine." Mrs Lewis grumbled, rubbing her temples.
She was a woman in her thirties with blonde hair and a wrinkly forehead. Yeah, she was really old. She had a loud voice that could cut through other noise like a knife,  silencing us instantly.
"Well what are you waiting for? Get into your groups!!"

After everyone had shuffled into place each of our group leaders began to call out our names one by one.

"Sophia Wisowski?"
"Here sir!!"
"Savannah Smith?"
"Here sir!!"
"Charlotte Web?"
"Here sir!!"
"Skylar Morez?"
"Here sir!!"
You get the idea...

After names had been called we all filed in each coach depending on the group we were in. I was in coach 4 the best coach. Thank goodness. It had air con, plush seating and a built in kitchen and bathroom area. Wow, our school sure spent a lot of money on this... Making myself comfortable in my plush cream seat I relaxed myself and began to play games on my phone.

An hour later I was bored out of my mind. My phone had died and although I had brought my portable charger with me I wasn't bothered to get it out of my bag. I checked the time on my watch 9:45 we sill had 4 hours to go before we reached the airport. I closed my eyes and settled into a deep sleep.

Thanks again guys for choosing to read my novel. I'm probably going to be posting every weekend because I have a really busy week packed with school. Ugh😒😒. If by some miracle I can post before then I will. Also sorry for the really short chapter, my other chapters will be much longer...😊😊

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