Lilian was ready for the holidays. She was tired of ignoring Hermione, Ron and Harry. She was feeling very guilty and her grudge was losing itself every week and every time she was them look over to her and had a guilty look on their faces. Hermione had come up to her and tried to apologize with Ron and Harry behind her.
“Lilian, I'm really sorry!” She cried and her eyes were puffy and red from crying. “We didn't mean to ignore your feelings.”
“Do you still think it's my Godfather?” She had asked them and narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
“Of course we do- I mean no.” Ron said and winced as Harry poked his side and Hermione gave him a glare.
Lilian rolled her eyes, grabbed her clothes and followed after Lily and Erin who gave the trio a sad and apologetic look.
“Just forgive them.” Ernie said timidly.
“Yeah, what they did couldn't have been that bad!” Lily said.
Lilian huffed and crossed her arms defiantly. She was so stubborn. ‘Yeah, it's not like they accused my ‘family member’ of murder and stealing which could make them have to face years in Azkaban just like my father and leave me without a guardian and put me in an Orphanage since Mrs. Figg was getting too old anyway.’
Lilian headed outside and took in a deep breath. She was starting to feel even worse once she saw Hermione’s face. She looked outside and saw that the castle was covered in several feets of snow. Lilian felt weight on her shoulders and saw Fred and George.
“What's with the long face, love?” Fred said.
“We know what will-”
“Make you feel better.”
“What?”she said and felt a snowball hit her head. She froze and narrowed her eyes. “Fred! George!” She yelled and raced after them and started throwing snowballs at them which they dodged.
After a few minutes they saw Professor Quirrell and they aimed snowballs at his stupid turban. An hour passed and all three of them had collapsed on the snow with Lilian in the middle laughing. “Thanks guys, I really needed that.”
“No problem.” They said at the same time and helped Lilian up.
“Are you staying here for Christmas?” Fred asked her and she shrugged.
“I guess, I don’t think that we’ll be going back home.” Lilian was pretty sure that her Godfather would rather stay here, why? She didn’t know.
“You can come over to our house.” George says and she shakes her head.
“It’s alright, I’ll stay here with Harry.” The twins look at each other, shrug and say their goodbyes and walk away. Lilian does the same and head back. She had to go to Potions.
When she got down to the dungeon it was ice c0pd and she felt a chill go down her spin. Since it was December, the Great Hall had roaring fires but the dungeons had wind blowing into the classrooms and you could see your own breath. Lilian sat down by Mandy. They started measuring out powdered spine of lionfish and the room was quiet. No one bothered talking about the holidays, they were still afraid of Professor Snape.
The rest of day went by rather quietly and she said bye to her friends and walked over to where hagrid was. There was a large fir tree blocking the corridor and two enormous feets sticking out at the bottom of it and a loud puffing sound came from it.
“Hagrid do you need help?” Lilian asked kindly and the Gryffindors and Slytherins came out of Potions. Harry and Ron were the first out.
“Hi, Hagrid, want any help?” Ron asked and Lilian tried to hide her smile, she was missing her friends. Ron stuck his head through the branches so Hagrid could hear him better.

(Book 1) Lilian Andromeda Black and the Philospher's Stone
FanfictionLilian Andromeda Black (b. 1st August, 1980) "Andy" was a Pureblood witch, the only child and daughter of Sirius and Jasmine Black (née Lupin), and was the godchild of James and Lily Potter (née Evans). Lilian was named after Lily Potter, her mother...