Schedule Normal without Houses: Next chapter
Schedule with Houses: Chapter after next
Class Schedule will be explained below:
Lilian woke up the next day in the beautiful Ravenclaw girl dorm rooms and noticed no one was awake yet. It didn't surprise her, they were probably going to wake up around 8:00 even though breakfast started at 7. It was 6:00 and she cursed her previous mother in the other world for making her wake up to exercise. It was September 2nd and the teachers were going to pass out their schedules.
She didn't know much about the Ravenclaws. She knew that they were rude and they were bullies to her, but not all of them were bad. She had friends and she was happy about that.
She got out of her bed and made-up her bed and grabbed the clothes she needed and turned on the shower. She was wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt and a black shirt underneath her Hogwarts robes. It changed colors once she put on her Ravenclaw pin and her tie turned blue and bronze. She changed her hair so that she had a part down the middle and two buns on her head. She didn't know how to do her hair before but living with Mrs. Figg helped her figure out how to be independent.
She brushed her teeth and washed her face and went out of the Ravenclaw dorm rooms and common room. She continued to walk down the long, winding stairway and reached the Great Hall.
All of the Professors were already there and eating calmly while chatting with one another, well besides Professor Snape who was glaring at Quirrell. She looked around the Great Hall and 6th and 7th year Ravenclaws seemed to be the only ones there at her table. Hufflepuff hardly had anyone, the Slytherins didn't even have a single person there and by the Gryffindors were Hermione, Percy and Katie Bell. She was in the same year as Fred and George and she had short brown hair.
Hermione seemed to fascinated with her books to notice her and she laughed to herself. She went down to the Ravenclaw Table (not without receiving looks from other Ravenclaws) and sat down. The food magically appeared on her plate and she started eating.
It was 8:45 when the rest of the school arrived. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan came in together and were chatting. Ron and Harry were together and waved to her which she waved back and Daphne came in with her fellow Slytherins Sophie Roper and Jordan Runcorn. Daphne waved to her and she waved back and the two girls sent her a big smile. Not all Slytherins were evil you know.
Oliver and Morag sat down across from her and were joined by Padma. Lisa and Sue plopped down besides her and they were chatting with each other happily. Professor Flitwick (a very tiny man who was the head of their house) gave them their schedules.
"Let's see." Lisa said happily. "Today we have Transfigurations with the Gryffindors, History of Magic with the Slytherins, Lunch, Defense Against the Dark Arts-"
"I'd rather call it DADA." Morag said smiling and the rest of the 1st years nodded agreeing with her.
"DADA with Hufflepuff, Herbology with Slytherin and Astronomy with only Ravenclaw." Lisa finished they looked at the time and noticed that breakfast was about to be over. Lisa, Sue, Oliver, Morag and Lilian all got out of their seats and started going to their first class Transfigurations.
Hermione walked over to her and the group started to chat. "Honestly, I'm nervous what if I didn't read enough." She said quickly and Neville walked behind them.
"I'll fail." He said sadly. "Gran thought I was a Squid before."
"I'm sure you'll be fine." Lisa said smiling at Neville and nudging him on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it."

(Book 1) Lilian Andromeda Black and the Philospher's Stone
FanficLilian Andromeda Black (b. 1st August, 1980) "Andy" was a Pureblood witch, the only child and daughter of Sirius and Jasmine Black (née Lupin), and was the godchild of James and Lily Potter (née Evans). Lilian was named after Lily Potter, her mother...