And I Wilt Always Love You

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                It was rainy day. Frankie sat by the window of her bedroom, watching as the rain pattered against the glass. She looked at her reflection; a worried expression across her face. The day had come. After so many years of adopting out friends, supervising Adopt-A-Thought Saturdays, worrying that he would be next; it was finally time.


                She left out a soft sigh, and leant her head against the window. The cool glass felt nice against her forehead. If only it were nice enough to distract her from the sadness she was feeling. She listened for a while. She listened to the sound of the rain and the faint noises of the house and its residents. Suddenly she heard the sound she had been anticipating.


                The squeaking became louder as it travelled up the hall. Her heart began to beat faster, her dejection intensifying. She turned away from the window, looked towards the door and waited.


                Knock. Knock. Knock.


                Frankie hesitated to answer. She knew he wouldn’t leave without saying good bye to her. Maybe if she never answered, he’d stay forever.


                “Hello?” said a voice from the other side of the door. It was like a dagger through her heart. A sweet, kind, loving dagger. “Uh, Frankie? I’m sorry, are you in there?”


                “Yes.” she said meekly. She sighed in defeat. “Come in, Wilt.” She said slightly louder this time.


                The door creaked open, and the tall, red friend stepped in the room. He smiled his usual smile, but after their eyes met, his expression reflected Frankie’s. “I’m sorry, Frankie. Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”


                 Slightly embarrassed, Frankie once again turned towards her reflection in the window. She looked at her eyes. Was it really that obvious? She turned back to Wilt. “I’m fine.” She lied. Her tone weak, but reassuring. She forced a fake smile, but she was sure that he could see right through it. She stood up from the windowsill and walked over to the end of her bed.  She sat down and he sat next to her on her left.


                Wilt put his arm behind her, resting his hand on her shoulder. “I know you’re sad, Frankie. I’m sorry I have to leave. But you know just as well as I do that I have to. That little boy downstairs needs a friend, and he’s picked me, so I have a responsibility. Is that okay?”


                Frankie wanted to say no. It wasn’t okay. It will never be okay for Wilt to leave. What if she never saw him again? She shook her head slightly, trying to force these thoughts of angst out of her mind. They sat for a moment. She savoured the feeling of  his hand on her shoulder. She would miss this moment once it was over. “Maybe… maybe it’s for the best.” She finally replied, although hesitantly. She said it more for comfort that anything else. Frankie looked up at Wilt. She could see he was slightly puzzled by her response.


                “Why?” he asked, clearly baffled.


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