Part 1: Sky Blue

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Oriel couldn't believe how comfy her bed was, as she snuggled deeper into the blue comforter that wasn't hers. Her amber eyes snapped open. She went to sit up to glance at her surroundings only to feel her midsection burn in pain. With a gasp she flopped back down into the bed. What happened?

Slowly Oriel managed to prop herself up on the bed. The room she was in was beautiful, but it wasn't hers. For one thing gold trim was everywhere, from the windowsill to the comforter that lay overtop Oriels legs. The windows in the room were large; one whole wall was almost made up of windows. All the windows were in letting in a warm breeze, something that would be odd for this time of years, where Oriel was from.

So why was she here? That was the question. The last thing that Oriel could remember was the... banquet. That's right, Solaras coronation, Selene's betrayal. Oriel was begging to remember. What had happened to her family? She wasn't on Sparks so she doubted that anyone here could help.

The door to the room swung open. The wooden slap thumping against the wall. In popped a girl similar in age to Oriel, with gold coloured hair like Solaras, and silver eyes like Selene's. This girl was incredibly tan, as if she had been born in a ray of light; her smile was as bright as the morning sun.

"Oh good you're awake, it was frightening to find you. All covered in blood" the girl sat on the edge of the bed "how are you feeling"

"Groggy" Oriel rubbed her temple.

"That's to be expected. At least that's what the doctor said."

Oriel couldn't help herself "I'm sorry, I don't getting your name"
the girl beamed brighter "Tesni, my name is Tesni."

This girl's smile was infectious, even Oriel found herself smiling. "Nice to meet you Tesni"

"So"? Tesni asked.

"So, what?".
"Who are you, what your name"?

"I would like to know that as well". The women at the door looked like an older Tesni, but more regal, more composed. Her dainty mouth was downturned in a vicious sneer.

"My name, my name is..." Oriel knew she couldn't tell them her real name, or else they would be put in jeopardy "my name is sky... blue. Sky Blue that's my name".

"Sky Blue?" the woman's eyebrow arched. "Are you sure that is your name"

"Positive miss..."
"Queen Eleanor of Imaim, you have met my daughter Princess Tesni"

Imaim the land of sunshine, as it was called. Oriel had read about it once. No matter what time of day the land was bathed in warm light, rain was always light and never was there a sprinkle of snow to be seen.

In truth Oriel didn't know how to respond to Queen Eleanor. The woman was obviously suspicious of her. Not that she didn't have her reasons; a strange girl covered in blood would cause anyone to be suspicious. At least the queen didn't recognize Oriel.

"Now as queen and mother you have to understand, that I have the right to interrogate you" Tesni tried to interrupt her mother, but the queen shushed her "you show up here on our doorsteps bleeding. We took you in and gave you the best medicinal care possible, you owe us the truth. Who are you, where are you from, and why were you bleeding"

Oriel couldn't give the truth. At least not the whole truth. "My name is Sky; I'm from the Kingdom Sparks"

Understanding passed over the queen's eyes, her sneer dropping. "I'm sorry, I had no idea. You poor thing, it must have been hell escaping that coup'd'état. I mean it was such big news that even we heard about it. And we haven't heard anything from Sparks in nearly a decade."

"Yes it was hell" Oriel agreed.

Tesni placed a comforting hand on Oriels shoulder "It's over now. You're safe"

"Thank you"

"No need to thank us" Tesni was still smiling, but it was a softer smile now.

Oriel couldn't help but feel that she may have made a friend.

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