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AUTHOR'S NOTE: what is this???? A new chapter???? woah man,,,,, Anyhow, Enjoy some fluff and the beginning of something new~

Zarya began to stroll onwards towards her destination, the same doors she had practically ran out of, the small girl trotting behind her in silence. Zarya stood still before the heavy rusty doors, placing her hand against it. Mei peeked out from behind her, able to tell what she was worried about. Mei pushed in front of the shaking Russian and grinned up at her before taking charge and pushing through the doors, stomping loudly to draw attention to her instead of Zarya as she followed slowly.

Zarya felt small behind Mei as she led the Russian along, eyes from the crew on the Chinese girl rather than Zarya. As soon as they pushed out of the doors, Mei let out a big sigh of relief and turned to face the taller woman, grabbing her hands and holding them with hers. "We did it! Good job!" Mei smiled, taking Zarya aback. It reminded her of Vera.. That smile, the cheeriness, and the warmth from her hands. She was warm.. Mei was warm.

Zarya stared down at Mei, not sure how to reply. "Yes.." She mumbled before gently pulling her hands away from the other. Instead, she patted Mei's head, a small smile crossing her lips. "You're warm." She said before walking forwards, leaving Mei stunned and red in the face. After a few feet, Mei began running after Zarya, silent other than the sounds her boots made against the ground.

They walked in together, Mei a step or two behind Zarya as the Russian almost robotically strode to the room she once practically lived in. Her breath hitched in her throat as she turned the corner and saw those doors, the doors that allowed her to build the muscle she now adores. Zarya inched forwards before pushing the red and white doors open, taking a deep breath in of the chemical cleaner full air. Mei coughed a bit as she followed along, her eyes widening slightly as she looked around.

Weights littered the ground, different machines covered the huge gym that included a track around the weights. Anything one could imagine was in the gym, and that's what Zarya loved about it.

Zarya stepped onto the track, grinding her shoes into it as she reminisced in the memory of running on it with her comrades. She looked over at Mei who was just following Zarya like a lost puppy, earning a chuckle from Zarya. "Are you in the need of personal training?" She teased.

Mei puffed out her cheeks replying with an aggressive tone, "No,"

Zarya grinned over at Mei before strolling over to the bench, sighing heavily. She missed competing. She missed pushing herself past the limits. She had lost the motivation to continue after her love passed on, but being in the gym again caused her to start to wish to begin again. Mei was peeking over Zarya's shoulder, looking between her and the bench.

"Do you like to bench press?" She inquired, moving to touch the bar and run her fingers along the texture.

Zarya looked over at the girl and nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Yes. It was.. is my favorite lift." She corrected herself, feeling the awkwardness in the air.

Mei nodded and looked away, not sure what to say.

Zarya sat down on the bench, moving underneath the bar. She looked up at Mei who was staring down at her, a brow raised. "Spot me?" She asked. "There is no weight, this is simply 45 pounds. Easy."

Mei looked surprised as she replied, "Sure! I haven't done that before, but I can try."

"It is nothing. Help me get the bar off the rack, then help me put it on. Understand?"

"I think so!"

Zarya nodded and grabbed onto the bar, shifting on the bench and heavily arching her back as if she was really about to bench something hard. Mei helped her lift the bar off the rack, letting go as Zarya easily pushed the bar up and brought it down, repeating the action over thirty times before deciding she was boring the girl watching her. She began to rack it, watching as Mei struggled to help her.

Zarya sat up and rolled her shoulders, standing up then patting the chair. "Your turn."

Mei's eyes shot wide open before she shook her head no squeaking out, "Me? No, I can't do that!"

Zarya laughed softly before easily lifting Mei up and setting the kicking girl onto the bench. "One." She pleaded, placing her hands on Mei's shoulders. "Please."

Mei sighed and glared up at Zarya before slowly laying down, watching as Zarya moved to help her with the bar. Mei gripped onto the bar and took a deep breath in, pushing it off of the rack with the help of Zarya. She slowly brought it down, shaking as she did so, holding it there for a second before pushing it back up and slamming it against the rack, breathing heavily.

"Good job!" Zarya cheered, earning a blush from Mei. Mei sat up and took in a deep breath, her face completely red as she rubbed her hands on her pants. She looked over at the Russian and narrowed her brown eyes just the slightest before standing up with a huff. Zarya could tell the small girl was thinking, but she couldn't tell as to what it was about.

"Are you alright, Mei?"

Mei looked away, a frown settling on her usual cheery face.

Zarya sighed and placed her hand on the side of Mei's face, gently turning it to look at her. "Are you okay?" Zarya asked, looking into Mei's eyes. Mei took in a deep breath, grabbing onto Zarya's face and pulling her lips onto her's. Zarya's eyes widened as Mei's lips pressed firmly on her's.

Slowly, she melted into Mei's lips, her hands moving to the smaller's waist, pulling her against herself as she returned the kiss.

Mei was warm. She was.. She was warm.. This frigid girl was warm, maybe even hot. Mei slowly pulled away from Zarya, her eyes fluttering open. Zarya moved her hands off of the other, backing up as she covered her mouth, her eyes wide in panic.

Mei's face drained from color after seeing the one she like's expression, her gaze shooting to the ground. "I.. I-I'm sorry, I..."

Zarya shook her head as she backed up, her mind full of her lover that was taken away from her too early. "Y-You.. You're warm.. You.. You're warm." She choked out, moving her hands through her messy hair.  

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