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She couldn't think straight, she could hardly breathe, hardly see, hardly exist. Zarya's eyes darted around the scenery as she desperately tried to find something to focus on in this grey room. She was in a prison cell of some sort, no windows, no decoration, no color, just a matt for a bed and a rusty looking toliet in the corner. Zarya couldn't remember what had gotten her here, or even how she got here. All she could rememeber was ice. Ice, similar to that of her home country. Ice, something she had grown to love after being surrounded by it. But that ice was different. It looked and felt different. Zarya didn't know how, but that ice felt almost warm. It wasn't the freeze your hand off ice that was in Russia, it was ice that wanted to be a barrier, to protect. But from what? Zarya shook her head as she tried to go through what she could remember to no avail. She sighed softly, frowning as she realized that the air around her wasn't cold. No, it was stuffy and warm. She wasn't in Russia. She immediately stood up as she suddenly remembered where she was.

That omic.. That thing beside it.. Zarya clawed at her palm as she looked around desperately for an escape. She had to get out of here. That recall wasn't from Winston! It was the omnics! They had taken over here too!

Zarya ran over to the door, slamming her shoulder into it as she tried to break it down, unable to think of a better plan. She repeated this several times until her shoulder felt like it would break if she attempted it one more time. Tears beginning to stream down her face, she sat down on the ground, pulling herself into a ball.

The air around her felt heavy as she shook with sobs, realizing that this could be her end. She could die here all because she believed that a recall had been real. What idiot would believe that? Overwatch had been shut down for a reason. Zarya tugged at the tangles in her hair before raising her head, wiping her eyes. If she was going to die, she was going down with a fight.

Barely, Zarya could hear footsteps coming her way. It sounded like two different pairs of feet, one much heavier and slower in contrast to fast paced gentle foot steps. She quickly stood up, brushing herself off and getting into a fighting stance, ready to smash someone's face in. She heard keys jingling as the footsteps stopped in front of her door, causing Zarya to tense up more as she adjusted her feet to get ready to kick. Slowly the door opened.

The first thing Zarya could see was black fur, familiar, but Zarya didn't let her guard down. Not until the scientist padded into the cell, a frustrated but gentle look on his face. Zarya immediately melted from her battle stance, gasping as she scanned down the gorilla. It was him. It was Winston. Zarya shook her head, unable to put together words.

"Zarya.." Winston murmured, shaking his head, "I understand that you carry many burdens. Many memories of people you knew dying to omnics. Especially after you were gone competing. However, attacking someone you have not met before just because he resembles the enemies you once knew is unacceptable. That omnic is no threat to you. He is one of us,"

"An omnic? You tell me that you allowed an omnic onto our team? Do you know who we're fighting here?" Zarya growled, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the scientist.

"That's why he's here, actually!" A chipper voice rang out from behind Winston before she emerged through the doorway. Small and chubby, the woman in front of Zarya wore a snow suit and boots detailed with blue and white, her brown hair tied up with a bun, a traditional chinese hair accessory holding it in place. She adjusted her glasses which beautifully framed her brown eyes and button nose, a gentle smile on her face. "I'm Mei-Ling, please call me Mei. Zarya, right?"

If Zarya was not in such a fury, she would be encased in Mei's stunning looks, but her anger had blocked out her appearance. "He? He should not be here. We are fighting his kind! Why the hell would we have someone that could easily be a spy?"

"Zenyatta, that's his name, knows that. He's against the omnic fighting, which is why he wants to fight with us. He wouldn't be a spy, and even if he was we would know. His communicator is set to record everything he says, so if he says anything remotely spyish Athena will send out an alert to Winston." Mei insisted.

Zarya clicked her tongue, her eyes fluttering to Winston before returning back to Mei. "In Russia, that thing would be destroyed."

"Which is why we are not in Russia, Zarya." Winston said, shaking his head, earning a snarl from Zarya. "Because of your foolish actions, you won't be going on any missions anytime soon. It is also why you're going to be having someone with you at all times to make sure you don't let past experiences ruin the team. Zenyatta is a valueable member of the team. Much like you. Let's not put either of you at stake."

"You give me a parole officer then?" Zarya huffed, finding the idea ridiculous.

"Not really a parole officer, more like a guide. Which will be me! Don't worry, it'll be A-Mei-Zing!"  

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