Friendship and Love

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Essence's POV 

When I get to the movie theater. I walk to the front of the movie theater and see Rose standing there waiting for. "Hey Rose." I say. "Hey." She says smiling and giving me a huge hug. I'm honestly surprised she didn't break any bones. She looks human but she actually has the power to control the elements and shape shift. She almost set a girl who was bullying me on fire during freshman year. We pull away and walk into the movie theater. We buy or tickets and walk up to the concession area and wait in line. As we're waiting, a mutant turtle walks in. He walks up behind me and grabs my butt. I jump and turn around blushing furiously. "H-hey!" I squeak. He laughs. "Ya got one hell of an ass." He says smirking. I growl at him and bare my fangs. I have to admit he's handsome. He has gorgeous gold eyes and a sexy smile. He's wearing a red sleeveless hoodie with a black shirt that says WAR on it, as well as a hat that has his name painted in red on it. "You're Raphael Hamato?" I say. Rose steps up next to me and glares up at him, her eyes gradually turning a hell fire orange. That always happens before she sets someone's clothes on fire. "Watch the hands buddy." She says in an enraged voice. "Chill out. Girly." He says back with an equally terrifying glare. She lunges at him and knocks him to the floor. They wrestle and roll around. The employees at the counter, along with everyone else in the theater, stops to watch. I just eat some of my popcorn and record it on my phone. I've never tried to break up any of her fights because I'm not trying to get hurt. It ends with Rose sitting on his chest with his arms pinned above his head. "Give up." She growls. "No! And get the hell off!" He growls back. "Not until you give up." Rose says stubbornly. He growls once more. "Fine. I give in." He says. She gives him an evil victorious smirk. "Remember that next time you wanna try me." She says climbing off him and walking over to me. I walk over to Raph and kneel down next to him. "Are you okay? I know Rose is really strong." I say. "Don't worry bout it. I'm fine." He says. I stand up and offer him my hand. He smiles and takes it as I pull him up. "Woah. You're pretty strong too." He says. "Well I am boxer. So is Rose" I say smiling. "Oh. That it explains it. Most girls couldn't do that to me if they tried." He says. "So, what movie are you going to see?" I ask. "Suicide squad." He says. "Us too. Wanna join us?" I ask with a smile. He gives me a sexy smile in return. "Sure." He says. Rose walks on Raph's left side while i walk on his right. As we walk to the screening room, I notice Rose staring at Raph with a faint blush on her cheeks. Raph looks down at her and she looks away. He raises an eyebrow at her but shrugs it off. I smirk and nudge Raph. He looks down at me. I mouth the words "She likes you" to him. He smirks and looks back at Rose before wrapping an arm around her waist. She jumps and turns her head to stare at him. He smiles and winks at her, causing her to blush even more. We get to the screening room and I strategically walk in first so Raph will be on the other side of Rose so I'm not in their way. About halfway through the movie I feel Rose move and I look over to my right to see her kissing Raph. I know my best friend well. When the movie ends her and Raph walk out smiling. I decide to tease her a bit. "Can I have the rest of your popcorn? I bet you didn't eat too much of it considering you were having so much face during the movie." I say. She turns bright red and glares at me. "Bye Raph. Be sure to send her tons of pictures." I say suggestively before taking off running. I hear him snicker behind me. I run out the theater and jump onto the roof of a building before running and jumping onto another. Rose shape shifts into a dragon and picks me up. "Say your sorry." She says. "Why? I just helped you start a relationship with a hot mutant turtle." I say. She smirks evilly.

Skip to 0:56

She drops me off in front of my dorm. I stand there for a second and try to smooth down my messy hair. "Thanks for the ride home." I say. "No problem. See you." She says beating her enormous wings and rising into the sky, her black scales blending in perfectly with the dark, starless night sky. "Oh. One more thing." I say getting her attention. She stops and looks down at me. "So you two are going out now?" I ask. She grins showing all her know sharp teeth. "Yup. I owe ya one. I probably never would've been able to swallow my pride and admit I like him. Bye." She says flying away. I head inside and up the stairs. When I get to there, I see a bunch of girls standing outside my room. When the hear me coming they all glare at me and walk closer. "What do you want?" I ask already knowing it's nothing good. "We heard you were with Donnie Hamato today. He's ours! Stay away from him!" The leader of the group Lily growls. I've honestly gotten used to the harshness of the fangirls who live in my dorm. I don't understand how they'd all share one guy. Honestly, I find it disturbing, but I've never told them that. I bare my fangs and growl at them. "I don't have time for this. I have classes tomorrow." I say shoving them out of my way and going into my room. I take a shower and go straight to bed. Trying to outrun an angry Rose is totally exhausting.

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