Manassas, Virginia The Second Battle of Bull Run August 28th, 1862

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Cannons whistle and fly and bullets find their targets as I appear on the scene. I have been on battlefields before; the temptation to join the army gets stronger every time I set foot on one. I spot a few soldiers I know as I make my way through the field. They don't acknowledge me if they see me, but I know that doing so could potentially take one of their lives. I try to keep to the outskirts of the battleground as I try to spot General Lee. As I get closer, I hear a rustling in the bushes. I stop and turn around. As soon as I face the direction of the sound, it stops. I think I see an animal, but it's probably just a shadow and the wind blowing. When I urge Red forward, it starts again. This continues until I get into earshot of Lee. This is too coincidental. I take out my pistol, and stand in my stirrups. After a minute of silence, I sit again and keep riding. I finally make it to General Lee's security detail.

"Iris O'Hara, sunset sixty-four."

"You are free to go."

As I ride past them, I finally see General Lee.

"Iris, what a pleasant surprise. I hope you bring good news," he looks at me eagerly.

"I wish I could be here on better terms, General, but unfortunately that is not the case. I have found evidence that the Union has plans to- "

Before I finish, I am jerkily thrown out of my saddle and onto the ground. I feel a snap, and feel a dull pain in my arm, but it's nothing compared to the pain coming from my stomach. I put my hand on it, and feel blood, and the bullet hole. Red is immediately by my side, and he stands over me, nudging me with his nose.

Red soon kneels, and I see him lay beside me, protecting me from the gunfire. Lee's detail escorts him away from the battlefield, and I am left alone.


The last few minutes.....

I think of my message that I almost delivered, the message I was willing to sacrifice for. I feel myself slip from consciousness, my peripheral vision blackening. The next thing I see is a soldier coming towards me. He is wearing blue, and I panic. At first I think he's coming to shoot me, but he doesn't. He crouches next to me, and takes out a knife. Really, Really? I'd rather be shot again, and being shot once is painful enough. Then he takes his bedroll and cuts it, and places the strips onto my wound. I try to utter a thank you, but my words fail me.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm just serving a fellow confederate," he says softly.

Wait a second, I know that voice.....

This is him, this is HIM!! The other spy, the one I have secretly been communicating with for a few months now! We have never met before, but he is one of the few people I trust.

"we've gotta get you out of here," he looks around for a wagon, or something to transport me off the field. Meanwhile, the fighting is only intensifying.

"Stop.... keep...fighting..." I try to tell him.

"I am fighting, to get you out of here,"

I'm too weary to combat his answer. I let him carry me to the closest wagon he sees. He gently sets me down, and yells," Hey, we need some horses!"

"They've been shot!" someone yells.

"Red," I point over at my horse, "He can do it."

The spy runs over to get Red, and quickly hitches him up to the cart. He comes to get me, and takes me up to the seat where the driver sits. I rest against him, wincing in pain. I know I'm not going to make it. I've lost too much blood. The wound id too deep, I knew it when I was lying on the battlefield. As he picks up the reins, I look at him and say," Don't. I'm not going to make it."

He looks at me with pleading eyes, but I argue back with steely eyes. He finally drops the reins.
"I liked working with you, Iris," he says," You were so different from all the other girls. I have always admired your fire. It came through your telegrams so well; I could feel the heat in my fingers as I read each one. Whenever I started to lose hope, I always reminded myself of you, and your determination, your faith in the south to prevail. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I heard his voice crack as he finished.

"I.... I... enjoyed working with you too," I barely could whisper now, "look in Red's saddle bags, and you'll find an envelope with your name on it. Read it."

After I say this, I lose all my vision, and I feel myself weakening. As I drift off to the next world, I hear my spy start to speak, "I know all you wanted to do was fight, but I don't think you realized how much of a fighter you were. Everyone that knew you was spurred on to continue, their passion for the confederacy refueled by your spirit. They saw your fire, and you started theirs. I know, because you started mine."

I don't know if he finished, because my world has gone black and silent.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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