First day of jonior year

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So hi I am Elizabeth Reynolds and I am 17 years old I go to East High High school. I am one of the popular girls but I am not one of those snotty mean girls, I actually am nice to people I like but if I don't like you I will just ignore you. I am on the cheerleading squad and I have two main bitches Kelsey Smith and Francesca Ale we've been besties  since 1st grade. But let's get back to the story. So today is my first day of junior year and I am pretty excited.

And it begins

BEEP!!!! BEEP!!!! BEEP!!!!
Ahh frickin alarm shut the heck up. As I got out of bed I was awaken from the smell of BACON. I quickly ran to the bathroom got a shower and put my cheer uniform (I wear this everyday I have multiple uniforms). I headed downstairs and found my sister ( Miranda, 18) and my two twin brothers who are very protective of me and my sister ( Ethan,19 and Grayson,19). Eating already.
Morning ugly face
Morning sis
Elizabeth :
Morning peeps

I sat down and started eating I was so hungry I inhaled my food. Since my sisters college is right next to my school she drove  me to school. Soon enough it was time to go to hell I mean school. The car ride was really quite and we were there already. I got out and said goodbye. I walked in school and saw my bitches I ran up to them and hugged them.
Sup bitch

We did our hand shake we've been doing that hand shake since 1st grade.

The End Of The First Chapter

( I hoped you guys like this chapter like and comment hoped you liked it )
- Ella ( author )

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