They Won't Leave Me Alone ~ Masked Ballerinas/Jake

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Warnings ~ none

"WILL YOU TWO LISTEN TO ME? YOU LITTLE - AHHHH!" Stomping your foot and screaming angrily at the two masked ballerinas, you nearly pull the hair out of your head trying to get them to listen to you.

"How many times must I tell you Y/n, you must not raise your voice like that!" You groan as Miss Peregrine comes into the room and scolds you for once again yelling at the twins, but this time she was accompanied by a very handsome boy whom you've never in your life seen before, but he resembled someone you couldn't quite think of.

"You should have told me we were having guests, perhaps I would have locked them in the damned cellar for the rest of the night - " one of the twins snatches the stuffed animal from your hand and takes off with it, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!"

Miss Peregrine chuckles softly and mumbles something to the boy.

"This is Jacob, Jacob Portman Y/n..."

You bent over to pick the other twin up while also listening to the headmistress.

"He will be staying with us for a couple of loops, would you mind showing him around? Or do you have other business to take care of?"

Knowing she was secretly laughing at you for having to put up with the twins, you shoo her out of the room and assure her that you'll make sure Jacob knows every nook and cranny of the house.

Once you made sure she left the room completely, you direct your gaze upon the twin who you were currently holding. "Now listen to me you little shit, you and your sibling better leave me alone for the rest of the day or else I'm gonna feed you to a hollowgast you hear me?"

The little masked ballerina didn't give you any sort of resposne, so you gave up and put him down just to have him run out of the room to find his other mischievous twin.

"I sincerely apologize for being rude and not introducing myself." You walk over to Jacob, grinning from ear to ear as you extend your arm outwards for him to shake. "Y/n L/n! Fancy to meet you at such an unpleasant time."

He reassures you with an adorable smile, "no need to worry. If you don't mind me asking, those two -

"Little nightmares? Yes, they're spawns of Lucifer I swear. They're siblings yes, mine? No but unfortunately I'm the only one who cares enough to watch over them, no one else can handle it."

. . . . .

"I'm quite pleased you'll be staying with us Jacob." You smile and continue showing him around, it's already been almost an hour but the house is huge and the two of you seemed to be enjoying eachother's company.

"Well thank you for having me. I'm quite - mmph!"

You had placed your hand over his mouth and pushed him into a room, shutting the door behind you and pressing your ear against it.

"They're looking for me, goddammit they just wanna get on my nerves again!"

You thought for sure you probably scared the hell out of poor Jacob, but when you looked at him - he seemed to find this all very amusing.

"You find this bloody funny?"

"Would you hit me if I said yes?"

You couldn't help but crack a smile at how comfortable he seemed to be around you.

"No cause I wouldn't wanna mess up that cute face of yours."

Leaning your back against the door, you slide down until you're sitting on the floor. Jacob decides to join you.

"They don't ever leave me alone, they don't!" You cry, burying your face in your hands.

"Maybe they look to you as a mother figure, since you said yourself you're the only one who takes care of them."

You burst out laughing, shaking your head as you do so. "The hell they do! You know what they did to me the other day?? They took one of Enoch's animal hearts and PUT IT ON MY BED!"

You forgot that Jacob had just arrived not too long ago and probably didn't know many peculiars yet.

"They do this cause they hate me, they - NO GO AWAY!"

Just as you were speaking, the door on the other side of the room (that you were oblivious to until now) swung open and the twins came strolling in, quickly walking to where you were.

"Jacob... I pray your stay here is better than mine."

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