You Think I've Forgotten? ~ Victor

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Warnings: Angst, trigger-warnings, fluffy smut 

Words: 1,694

You sat on the edge of your bed with your eyes closed, trying to steady your breath. Crying in front of others isn't something you're very fond of doing, crying period isn't fun at all but there were always times when you just felt the need to let it all out - unfortunately, now was one of those times. For weeks you've tried to hold it in, but those weeks turned into months and the time just seemed to slow and eat at your heart as much as possible - today was the day when your heart couldn't handle it anymore. 

To be crying over some boy would be considered 'ridiculous' and 'not worth it' but what no one understands is how one person can affect your whole entire life and make you feel that you have a purpose. Victor was the reason you didn't sacrifice yourself to the Hollowgast the night you came to the conclusion that your life was just a piece of tasteless shit and you had no reason to be alive anymore, he was the reason you stopped digging those marks into your skin although they would just keep disappearing moments after, but most importantly, he was the reason you understood what it felt like to be loved by someone.  

The two of you were so happy together, but once his sister was killed... everything changed. You felt disgusted with yourself that you were being so selfish, he lost his only sister for crying out loud, the only family he had. He was hurting, you were hurting for him but your mind was stirring up thoughts that you didn't want to have - he was becoming your past self and you didn't want that. He pieced you back together as if you were a tower, but that didn't mean you were capable enough to mend someone else - you didn't have that sort of strength no matter how hard you tried. It was like trying to build a snowman while the sun was starting to come out, you could attempt to help but just as you think you're doing something good, everything starts to melt into a puddle of regret. You just didn't think you could do anything to help anyone. 

You didn't notice that someone entered your room until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your sad figure and pull you to their chest. The scent that filled your stuffy nose let you know that Victor was comforting you. 

"I know baby, I know..." His voice was soft and understanding as if he was digging through your mind and figuring out what was wrong with you. In truth, he did understand why you were so upset and for the past couple of months. He's wanted nothing more than to hold you at night like he used to, kiss your soft lips that gave him that sense of closure, make love to you which reminded him just how much he loved you.

The unexpected loss of Bronwyn threw him off. He could never forget his sister, but he had to face the fact that he was going to have to stop moping around and crying himself to sleep every night because there was someone he still had - you

Your conscience told you to just kiss him, just place your soft lips against his and feel the connection between the two of you that you've missed so much. It was either that or just keep crying while thoughts upon thoughts clouded the happiness in your brain and refused to let you get a taste. There was no more room for any more depressing thoughts, especially for him but you as well because you could feel your past-self sticking its tongue out in hope to get lik away the content you still had.

You listened to your conscience instead. 

You managed to sneak your arms around his neck and lift your head just in time to plant your lips against his. Your tears ran slowly down your cheeks, stiffening as they dried but Victor didn't mind it when he felt them brush up against his cheek, cause if he was speaking the truth he would have to admit that he was crying as well. The kiss was simple but yet spoke so many words that the two of you meant to say to each other, how much you truly needed one another - how much time has passed within those heart-wrenching months. 

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