•9 days until halloween•

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Ciara POV

I woken up from up a vibration from my phone 📱 and it was a text message from Ron but I ignored it and I went outside to clear my head and i cried about what's going on around me and I saw somebody coming to me and it was Trey I immediately grabbed a knife from my back pocket and stand up walking towards him and I get tazed from somebody behind me and everything went black

3 hours later

I woken up in a room full of knives different kinds from sharp to short ones and I looked up at the mirror I noticed my shirt and bra was off and I had duct tape on my mouth and tied to a chair and I screamed "HELP!" I hear footsteps coming towards this room and I saw Trey with his shirt off and I was trying to get to the door but Trey caught me

•Trey• this is for you trying to abandon my baby
•Ciara• get off me trey STOP😭😭😭

When he wasn't listening to me he was unbuckling my pants and I was trying to get my phone and he got stabbed me with this needle it was a shot had some strong stuff in there when I was trying to dial Chyna's number and answered
I passed out

6 hours later

Chyna POV

When Ciara was gone for 11 hours I was getting worried so I went to trey's house because I think she will be there so when I put on my shoes and got in my cars I called her again went straight to voicemail so when got to his house went to his porch and his door was unlocked and when I opened it I saw Ciara bleeding out and breathing extra hard so I ran to her crying and calling somebody

•Chyna• someone pick up the phone
•Hospital• what's your emergency 🚨?
•Chyna• can someone please come at my friends house she's bleeding out
•Hospital• wait calm down who's your friend and what address?
•Chyna• her name is Ciara and the address is 5201W.ashton
•Hospital• okay will have a pair of police officers and paramedics just wait shortly
•Chyna• okay please hurry up
•Ciara• who was that
•Chyna• that was the hospital what happened
•Ciara• ion hardly remember anything
•Chyna• it's okay the police is on their way too stay with me babe

When me and Ciara was talking about something funny someone was knocking on the door so I opened it and it was Ron

•Ron• omg what happened i came as soon as I heard Justin and Selena is on their way also
•Chyna• she doesn't remember anything
•Ron• Ciara was it Trey ?
•Ciara• Yes
•Ron• I'm finna kill that son of bitch
•Chyna• calm down Ron
•Ciara• I just remembered something that trey says
•Ron• What did he says
•Chyna• right 
•Ciara• "I'm klappy"
•Ron• why you think that
•Ciara• because he said i murder your best friend Ariana I raped her and killed her he a rapist and a killer Ron you have to believe me
•Ron• I believe you babe we'll file a police report and have a car right outside our house
•Ciara• ..........
•Ron• babe

While ron was trying to wake up Ciara I see red and blue flashing through the streets and the people in the truck rushing to get her to a hospital and I see going with then I see Justin and Selena running to Ciara

•Justin• Ciara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
•Selena• what happened
•Chyna• ion even know I just saw Ciara with bruises and cuts naked either way how it goes we calling this party off because this clown is getting out of control and Ciara thinks Trey is klappy
•Justin• Why will Trey be klappy
•Ciara• Because he said It himself please believe me Justin
•Ron• She does bring up a point ☝️ I mean look back to what happened to Ariana and klappy returned home after his 1milion kills Its going to be a blood storm just call it of
•Justin• Fine we boarding our houses and hire two securities guards and I will let the rest know
•Ron• Thank you 😊 brother!!!
•Justin• Get better Ciara
•Ciara• Thank you 😊 Justin

•As I was strolled into the ambulance truck Ron and Chyna came with me and Ron hold my hand and "said it's going to be okay I promise" than I felled asleep 😴

•Then I woken up and the hospital room and I looked at Ron and said•

•Ciara• what time is it and how long we've been in here
•Ron• For two hours
•Ciara• Why my body is still in pain
•Ron• just got out of surgery
•Ciara• how did it go
•Ron• it went okay they stitched up your cuts and ice down you bruises so you should be okay 👌🏽 in the morning
•Ciara• okay where's chyna
•Ron• on the couch sleeping 😌
•Ciara• ohh 😲 okay
•Ron• I will kill that I will make sure he doesn't come between you and Kolby
•Ciara• Thanks 🙏🏾 for being here with me ☺️ to have you as a husband and father
•Ron• I'm thankful to have you as a wife and a mother the best thing i Had now let's go to sleep 😴

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