•7 days until halloween•

3 0 0

Ciara POV
So as we winding down to the most crazy night of the year which is Halloween 👻 and I've been watching the news seeing dead 💀 bodies and that have threats all over the wall with that and I've told my father he was flipped out and I'm the only child 👶🏽 to and my mother has been calling me every now and then to check up on me and I went to the mirror and my belly is growing every month and I'm not finna give birth to a baby to a Killer not finna happen and in it was kicking in my stomach so I grabbed a knife 🔪 and aim it to my stomach where the baby can still be kicking and I looked outside and downstairs to make sure I see or hear 👂🏼 anyone so I closed the door and locked it and I aimed it to my stomach were it was still kicking and stabbed myself then hit my head on the side of the tub and collapsed


So after I just woke up to a collapsed I ran upstairs and saw Kolby crying 😭 and I saw Ciara on the floor head bleeding and her stomach Kolby went to screaming and crying 😭 so I started to cry 😭 "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ciara please wake up please wake up! Then I hurried up and called the hospital

•Hospital• Hell-
•Ron• Can somebody come up my wife please
•Hospital• Breathe Breathe ! Who is your wife and what happened
•Ron• Ciara and she stabbed her stomach and hit her head on the tub and she's bleeding out I just don't know what to do doc
•Hospital• ok we finna send a pair of paramedics just cover her up and hold on can you do that for me
•Ron• Yes

After I just got done talking to the doctor at the hospital I was laying down with Ciara then covered her up when I did that I was crying even harder because she was like the best thing that ever happened to us and and now there's no chance she'll be able to make it through so how I'm going to tell Chyna and her parents this is a hard pill to sallow so I'm finna meet up with them

•Text message•

•Ron• Chyna can you meet me at east park I need to talk to you!.
•Sent at 3:59pm•
•Chyna• Oh Ok Ron
•Sent at 4:02pm•
•Ron• Karen and David can you meet me at east park
•Sent at 4:10pm•
•Ciara's Parents• Ok 👌🏽 Sweetheart
•Sent at 4:25pn•

3 hours later

I finally met them and it's Finna be hard that our baby girl is gone

•Chyna• What do you need to tell us
•Ron• Ciara is go--
•Ciara's parents• Who's blood is that on your hands
•Chyna• It can't be
•Ron• Yes it is Ciara is gone
•Ciara's parents• My baby is gone
•Ron• Yes I'm sorry we all loved her
•Chyna• But the doctor has to confirm

11 hours later 2:00am at the Hospital

•Tyga• What happened to Ciara?
•Ron• All I know is She was on the bathroom floor head bleeding and her stomach was to and that was trey's baby so she killed it
•Tyga• Well damn she never told us atleast but did she told you
•Ron• Yes she did didn't end right I wish I can go back to that day
•Trina• (Ciara's Cousin) We have to make a decision now she is losing to much blood and she is losing too much Blood and in my case pull the plug
•Ron• Can I talk to Karen in private
•Karen• What Ron
•Ron• I know this is hard for you but we gotta do what's for your daughter
•Karen• yes it is never going to see her pretty face again but yea you right
•Ron• you ready for this
•Karen• yea I wanna get this over
•Doctor• did you come up with your decision
•Karen• ion even wanna look 👀 just pull the plug
•Ron• yes

•They pull the plug•

•Karen• Nooooooooooo Ciara my poor baby 😭😭
•Ron• let's go she is in a better place
•Karen• I need to stay with her

•Back in the room•

•Chyna• did she make it
•Ron• No
•Chyna• What 😢😢
•Ron• I'm so sorry Chyna we all loved her
•Jaden• Come over here Chyna
•Chyna• Noooooo Ciara why you had to leave

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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