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I woke up the next day with pain all over. My head throbbing from the hangover. I look over to my knuckles which were bruised and a bit bloody. The memory of punching Drake comes rushing back to me. I groan and roll out of bed into the shower, the cold water jolting me to completely wake. I turn off the water, wrap a towel around me and walk into my room. I lay on my bed listening to music when suddenly my phone buzzes with a text.

Probably my mum I think boredly, I tap on it. from an unknown number 'hey! was just wondering if you want to go to the beach with me and a few others?'  I stare in confusion at my phone, is this a prank? I text 'who is this? ' instantly I get a text back 'Serena! meet me at the beach in 20!' I stare at the phone in shock. My shock soon is interrupted by another text 'do you mind to pick me up my ride bailed on me, pleaseeeee' I hurriedly reply that I would be there soon. I grab Chases keys, throw on my swimming shorts and a shirt with flip flops then run out the door. I check my reflection in the ferrari mirror and fix my hair.

I drive to Serenas mansion, I had previously been there the other night. The entire place spotless unlike the previous night. I beep and wait. Serena comes bouncing out and into the car. "Hi!' she grins enthusiastically then kisses me on the cheek.  I freeze and start to blush uncontrollably. She smirks than motions towards the road, 'lets go?' I nod, my cheeks still tinged with red and take off down the road. 

We arrive at the beach a few minutes later and then hop out. Serena runs out the car and goes to greet her friends. 2 are boys and 5 are girls. I wave awkwardly and examine all her friends. Of course they are all part of the elite crowd, the girls extremely pretty and the boys popular jocks. I nervously approach,  the group check me out and the girls wink at Serena and start to giggle. Being confused I check myself over, is something wrong with my hair, is there something in my teeth?. Serena grabs my hand and pulls me towards the water. I turn to take off my shirt then turn to see Serena in her bikini.... To say my jaw hit the floor was an understatement. I gaped at her for what seemed a century,  she waved a hand in front of my eyes and laughed 'earth to Damon'. I blush and splutter out 'you uh um look nice' she giggles then pushes me into the water.

The group soon joins in and I realize their all pretty cool. We swim, play some volleyball and then when the sun starts to set we set up a bonfire. One of the boys got up and got some marshmallows,  hot dogs and a guitar. We roast whilst listening to his strumming. 'Yo Damon, you play? ' the boy, Ryan asked. I nod smiling slightly 'c'mon play a bit'.I shake my head and laugh 'nah I play a little, but i think your better'. The group pressures me and before I know it the guitar is pressed in my hands.

I strum a little then start to hum, before I know it the music takes over. I close my eyes and start to sing, blocking out my surroundings. As the song ends and I finish the last note I open my eyes. The group stares at me. I nervously play with my hands. 'Was it that bad?' I ask. Finally Serena replies ' Your incredible' I hold her gaze,  electricity flying between us, a odd look in her eyes. Ryans phone rings and the spell is broken. The group  complements me on my voice and gushes how amazing I am. We decide to end the night, we exchange numbers and go our seperate ways.  I thank them and offer to take Serena home.

We get in the car and silently drive. I pull up outside her mansion when she finally speaks 'You really are different from other guys' I start to sweat 'uh is that bad?'. She laughs, a tingle goes up my spine. 'No, not at all'. She leans over and kisses me softly on the cheek, her lips linger 'I like different' she whispers the jumps out the car walking to her house. I sit in the car like a idiot for a few minutes,  a hand on my cheek as I replay her words over and over in my head.  A stupid grin is plastered on my face, I could still feel her lips on my cheek. I sigh and start to drive off. This changes everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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