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I can hear the clock as it counts down the seconds. The seconds to the end of the day. The seconds to summer. It's the last day of school, and everyone is waiting in anticipation, even the teachers.

Mr. Vendor is teaching us about what college has in store for us, but even he is distracted by the clock.

My eyes draw away from the time as someone near the front row raises their hand,"Mr. Vendor, we have exactly three minutes before summer break and before we get sent off to college. Can you find it, in your cold, dead heart, to let us out early and enjoy the first moments of freedom?"

We all snicker to ourselves, knowing Mr. Vendor would never let us out early...

Vendor smiles, for the first time since September, and motions to the door,"Get outta here. Go have fun."

Well, I guess there's a first time for everything.

There's a moment of silence before everybody jumps up from their seats and races to the door. I shake my head and laugh to myself as I make my way over to my teacher.

He gives me a warm smile, which is different from his usual scowl. "Ms. Miller." he greets.

"Hi Mr. Vendor," I smile,"I just wanted to thank you for making my final year in high school memorable. It was an amazing class and I know I'm going to use the lessons you taught, in my everyday life."

Lies. This was the most useless class ever. When will I ever have to use Human Geography ever again? I can't believe my parents are forcing me to do this...

His eyebrows shoot up,"Really? You found this subject interesting?"

"Of course! How could I not? Our bodies are constantly affected by what's happening with the Earth's surface!"

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it," he chuckles,"Now go and enjoy your two months before school starts up again."

"Will do." I grin. Turning my body, I walk towards the door; my fake smile instantly dropping and my eyes automatically rolling.

'You need to make a good final impression on all your teachers Tess, how else do you leave an impact on their lives?' My mothers voice repeats in my head.

Sometimes, I hate listening to them. I glance at the clock in the hallway. Just one more minute until—

The bell rings and classroom doors swing open, a sea of kids rushing out.

I'm pushed across the hallway. My feet are practically swept off the floor and I'm led to the front doors. I silently thank myself for taking all my books and binders home yesterday.

Finally being able to actually get my feet on the ground, I start to walk to the bus stop just by the school. A bunch of students already there, excited to get on with their day.

"When is this?" A random girl asks in a hushed voice. I can't help but listen.

I look from the corner of my eye to see her talking to this guy, tattoos covering his arms and a cigarette between his teeth. He definitely doesn't go to our school...

Not moving from my spot, I block out every other sound or conversation and just focus on this one.

"Tomorrow. 10PM till 4AM." The guy says, moving the cigarette from his mouth with two fingers, blowing out a puff of smoke, and putting the cancer stick back in his mouth.

I resist the urge to cough as the smoke reaches me. Looking around, I see everyone is too distracted by their own conversations to listen to what could be a murder.

"So...you coming?" The guy asks.

The girl scratches the back of her head in thought,"I dunno...I mean, if my parents find out I'm sneaking out to see magic...they'll have my ass on a silver platter."

I breath hitches. Magic? But I thought they got rid of it...

"Come on..you know you want to. Don't you want that thrill of adventure?"

I turn my head and pretend I'm looking around for the bus, but really I want to be able to see them while they talk.

The guy has a smirk on his face, as if he knows how much the girl wants to go. Eventually, the girl smiles,"Where is this?"

The guy chuckles and lets out another puff of smoke,"You know that abandoned tunnel near that creepy tree?—" he moves his hands, pretending to shape out the tree for her to recognize,"—it's in there."

She nods"In the tunnel? Got it."

I see the bus turn the corner and avert my eyes, not being able to pretend to look for it.

"Well," she says,"My ride's here. I'll see you tomorrow."

The guy nods and let's out another puff of smoke,"Remember. 10PM. Creepy tunnel. Adventure. See you there." He winks at her and turns, starting to walk away.

Everybody starts climbing onto the bus. My body carries me inside and sits me down next to a window, but my mind is else where.


This is a big deal.


Hey! Sorry this chapter what kinda short, but it's kinda like a prologue. Hopefully I'll be able to update sometime this week and make the next chapter a little longer!

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Have a great day guys :)


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