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I quickly made my way to the library after getting my book bag from my dorm, for some reason the castle's library had always been a place where I could calm down, and the conversation with Draco had really shaken me so I knew the library was a place I needed to be.
When I walked into the room I saw that it was actually quite full for a class hour. I found the only empty table left and set my bag down, I then went to look for a book and returned with one about the first Wizarding World War.
"Mind if I sit down?" I looked up to see Draco standing in front of me with his hand on the chair. I felt my face pale and my insides turn to jelly but despite my giddy feeling, I shrugged my shoulders and moved my bag from the table.
"Are you angry with me? I'm sorry if I did something to offend you this morning." Draco said, I ignored his question and apology and looked over to the table that I knew his friends were sitting at, surely enough I could see Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goyle staring at us and Pansy Parkinson glaring at me.
"I think your friends want you back, Draco." I said looking to him before back at the Slytherin table.
"Well, I'd rather stay here with you." Draco said simply, it took me a while before I could speak properly, waiting for my heart rate to return to normal; when I did speak I was glad that my voice didn't waver.
"Okay, well... have fun with that." I said and continued reading my book.
"What are you reading?" Draco asked casually, I didn't break my eye contact with the sentence I was reading as I lifted up the book so he could see the title. "The First Wizarding World War." He read aloud, I nodded my head and kept on reading, "Is it any good?" Draco pressed on.
"Yes." I said shortly, although I couldn't believe that I was having a real conversation with Draco Malfoy.
"Hermione," I looked up automatically, shocked at hearing him say my first name, and really liking how it sounded, I need to stop thinking that way. I sighed. "Why don't you talk to me?"
"I am talking to you" I answered, turning the page in my book.
"I mean really talk to me, not just one worded answers."
"You're not going to let me read, are you?" I sighed closing the book and leaning back in my chair.
"Of course I will, when you answer my question." Draco said resting his chin on his hands. Focus, Hermione. I thought as I pushed the image of his face out of my mind and focused hard on the things around us.
"Your girlfriend looks like she wants to curse me." I said looking back at the table of Slytherins.
"And who might that be?" Malfoy asked not looking away from me.
"Pansy Parkinson." I answered simply.
"She's not my girlfriend, and don't worry I wouldn't let her curse you." He said with a wink, it made my heart flutter and my mouth pop open a bit. I'm guessing Draco saw it because his smile spread across his face; I rearranged my features, with a lot of effort, into a scowl.
"I can handle myself, Malfoy." I growled.
"Hey, I didn't mean anything by it" Draco said, putting his hands up. "Why are you so defensive?" He mused.
"Because you always find a way to offend me, so why wouldn't I be defensive?" I explained.
"Because you know I'm not doing it on purpose" Draco stated.
"Whatever." I checked the clock and saw that class was going to start soon so I picked up the book and my bag. "Class starts soon... Don't want to be late" I got out of my chair and walked off to put the book back, I was a bit shocked when I heard Draco behind me.
"Can I walk you to your class?" I turned around with a sigh, expecting to demand why he was acting this way but when I saw how close he was, my breath caught in my throat and the sigh turned into a gasp. My mouth popped open in an o and I could feel his breath fanning across my face, my heart started racing as his eyes bored into mine. I cautiously took a step back, unsuccessfully trying to clear the haze of his cologne around me. I was vaguely aware that I was leaning against the shelf for support and that Malfoy was still way too close.

"What's this?" I heard a girl say, I looked around Draco and saw Pansy Parkinson glaring at us. I cleared my throat and pushed Draco further away from me.
"Go away, Pansy." Draco said from beside me, stay calm Hermione. You weren't actually doing anything. I thought anxiously.
"I... Um.. I need to go..." I stammered and walked past them as quickly as I could and as I stumbled away I could hear the angry whispers of Draco Malfoy and the whining of Pansy Parkinson. Thankfully I had Charms, which was only around the corner from the library, so I wasn't late. The class passed in a blur, every now and then Professor Flitwick would call on someone to answer a question or to demonstrate a charm, but most of the lesson was spent listening to his lecture.
"Okay students, for homework I want you all to revise everything we went over in this lesson, and practice the spells." Professor Flitwick said and motioned for everyone to pack up their things.
"What was wrong with you this morning?" Ron asked as we walked with Harry to Defense Against the Dark Arts.
"What do you mean?" I asked absentmindedly.
"You came into class looking really angry, and now you seem distracted." He explained and Harry nodded his head in agreement.
"Oh, it's nothing." I said dismissively with a wave of my hand.

"Attention students," Professor McGonagall said in a strong voice, her voice filling the room easily. "Today's lesson has been cancelled." A low cheer erupted from the everywhere, but died quickly when Professor McGonagall's severe glare cut across the room.
"This time will not be going to waste." She continued after everyone had quietened down, "I ask you to read the first chapter in your books, and answer this questions." She added with a flick of her wand, 10 questions appeared on the board. "I will be testing you on this next class, so use your time wisely." That was all she said as she swept out of the classroom, the door slamming closed after her.
"Well that was riveting" Harry said as we walked toward The Great Hall for lunch, I wasn't listening though. I wasn't sure if I was being paranoid but it seemed like everyone was staring at me. They're not looking at you, Hermione. I thought repeatedly, but my thoughts were cut short by Ron.

"Is it just me or is everyone staring at us?" He asked, okay it doesn't mean they're staring directly at me then.
"Uh... I'll meet you in Potions, I need some air." I said after a while, I couldn't eat any food; all this unwanted attention was making me feel nauseous. I spent the rest of the lunch hour relaxing under a tree near the black lake, every now and then I would catch someone staring at me, and every time they would quickly look away, it was very frustrating. Alright, I thought reluctantly, time for double potions. I walked along the campus towards the Potions classroom, hoping all the way that whatever gossip was circulating had blown over. I was rather hesitant about hearing what the rumors were. On the one hand I wanted to know what all the fuss was about, but on the other hand I didn't want to know about it if it was hurtful. My mind was made up for me when I sat down at my desk next to Harry and Ron. They were both sneaking looks at me just like the rest of the class.

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