Chapter Six: Xander [Partial Confrontation]

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There was screaming and then I had fallen off the bed.

And I was naked.

Wait, why the fuck was I naked?

I came face to face with Florence. She had the sheets wrapped around her bare chest and was freaking out. Holy shit. Holy shit.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled, scrambling on the carpet floor as a searched for my boxers.

Florence was nearly hyperventilating. “I was just thinking the same damn thing!”

A sudden realization fell over me as she said something else along the lines of what the hell. “We slept together. We actually slept together last night.” Florence looked like she was somewhere in between fainting and vomiting but I couldn't stick around to see which one happened first. Chase was due home any minute and Mom would kill me if I wasn't there. “I have to go,” I stammered as I slipped on the rest of the costume I had worn last night. She couldn't look at me.

I practically ran out of the bedroom as I took the steps two at a time. I took no time to survey the typical party damage around me. I'd seen it all before.

Nothing went as planned last night. Obviously. I never got a chance to talk to that tool Allison was now seeing. I was also rejected by her after I'd confessed my pussy feelings in front of her. And then I'd slept with Florence. I vaguely remember us sitting on the counter and then making out and stumbling up the steps, but everything disappears as soon as that door shuts behind us.

By the time I got home I was fully awake. When I saw that Mom's car was missing I knew it was that she had left to get him with or without me. Great. This was shitty. So so shitty. The only good thing about her not being home was that I could take a shower before she smelled the pot and liquor laced on my clothes.

Just as I had finished getting dressed and spiking my hair with my fingers, Mom, Chase, his girlfriend Audrey, and Pete walked through the door. Audrey was hooked around his arm, her eyes glassy, her mascara smeared a bit under her eyes. She'd cried at his homecoming. Now I was sort of glad I had missed it. Ignoring my mother's pensive look towards me, I immediately ran up to Chase and wrapped him in a hug. I felt Audrey shrug off of him. He was muscular...taller, it seemed. Chase stepped back to look at me. “Look at you. All grown up,” he said.

I shrugged. “Look at you. Your biceps look like they could crush my skull,” I replied.

Chase just smiled. “They probably could.”

That night, Mom and Pete as well as Audrey had resorted to cleaning up dinner. I stayed at the table with Chase as he ate his third plate. “I've missed Mom's cooking. My God,” he moaned between mouthfuls of food.

“She's pissed at me isn't she?”

Mom hadn't said a word to me ever since they came home. All she gave me was an icy stare every time I glanced over at her. I'd hear about it later.

Chase nodded frantically as he swallowed. “So, so pissed.”

I groaned. “It's not my fault...sort of.”

He shrugged. “She won't go too hard on you since I'm home now. I'll make sure of it.” He winked. “ are you doing in school?”

It took no time for me to respond. “What do you think?”

Chase sighed. “You have to stop getting in trouble. Mom and Pete have had enough of it. I heard them talking about it in the car.”

“Of course you did. Mom fucking puts all my detentions and suspensions and bullshit all over Facebook. Who doesn't know?”

Chase ignored what I said and instead asked, “Why were you late anyway?”

Maybe I should tell him about idea. Okay, I'll just tell him about Florence. Ugh, but then I'll have to explain why I slept with her. Oh. Oh god. I'm going to barf.

So I just said, “I went to a party and got hammered. Colton was gone and I woke up super late.”

Chase smirked. “You are so my brother. Look, you'll grow out of this phase or whatever eventually. I didn't get in trouble as much as you did but I did party and all that bullshit. The army has changed me for the better, though. You should really consider joining.”

I snickered. “Me? In the army? That's a train wreck waiting to happen.”

“I thought so too. And then I got there and it was hard, man, it was hard as shit. And suddenly getting up at the crack of dawn every morning to make my bed and get dress, to eat breakfast out of a plastic sealed bag, to get out there and fight for America felt like the best thing in the world. It felt like I doing the right thing.”

Rolling my eyes, I got up from the table. “You sappy ass.”

He smiled. “You'll see one day, Xander. You'll see.”

No one was talking about me and Florence come Monday morning. In fact, there was nothing buzzing around about the party. All the talk was on the Winter Formal in a month. I was so thankful. The last thing I needed was anyone—especially Allison finding out about what happened Halloween night.

Colton hadn't asked about what happened after wards. It was like it never happened. I was actually believing nothing had happened until Florence was walking towards me. And I could tell she wasn't just going to flip me off and walk away. She was here for confrontation. I should just run. I really should. But suddenly she was walking faster and Colton had disappeared. God damn it.

“We need to talk,” she spat under her breath. She looked around to make sure no one was watching.

I looked away. “About what?”

She took no time pondering. “You know what. Talking. Now. I'm going to go over to The Wall and you follow me thirty seconds behind.” Before I could protest, she was already walking away.

The Wall was an old concrete wall that was left behind when they tore down the old school and built the new one. Tons of kids had their first kiss behind The Wall as well as first base. Drug deals and cigarette smoking went on behind The Wall. It was a sanctuary.

She was sitting up against The Wall, her eyes closed as I walked up. “What?” I asked.

Florence opened her eyes and turned to face the wall, tracing circles on the cracked brick with her index finger. She couldn't look at me. “Why?”

“Why what?”

She sighed. “Why did we sleep together? We hate each other, Xander. I just..I can't..God.” Covering her face with her hands, she groaned. “I should have never given you those shots.”

“Why did you?” I asked.

“I know what it's like to feel like shit when someone doesn't want you back. I may hate your guts Xander Matthews, but I'm not completely heartless,” she explained.

I leaned up against The Wall and stared at the woods behind the school. My breath was showing in the Autumn air. The sky was Tiffany box blue. It was a beautiful day. “We slept together. There's nothing we can do about it.”

When I looked at her, I thought she was going to cry. Instead, she dropped her hand from The Wall and stared down at the grass. “No one can find out about this, Xander. I swear to God...”

“Already agreeing with you there, Florence. I don't want anyone to find out. I need to get Allison back and when she finds out I fucked you she'll never take me back.”

Florence looked like she wanted to say something else besides what decided to be said, “Whatever. This stays between us. If anyone finds out about it I'll kill you.”

I smirked. “You and me both, sweetheart.”

She wasn't smiling. In fact, it looked like smiling might melt her face off. “Wipe that smirk off your face and don't call me sweetheart,” she seethed. With one last cold look, she turned and stalked off back towards the school. I sat at The Wall for twenty minutes until the morning bell rang and then started off to class.

uuuugh this chapter is shitty i'm sorry 

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