Part 1

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  Eren's POV
Ever since I moved to a new school,I haven't got used to things like the food,the classes and even people were staring at me so weirdly since my skin color is light tanned.Oh,did I also told you that I'm an exchange student?
Guess not.
Well,I was born and raised in Puerto Rico.And due some academic issues,my parents decided to move to United States.

And so,here I am sitting in my chair,taking History class with my hot ass looking teacher,Mr.Ackerman.

Even he was strict as hell,I have a crush on him.
Oh and guess what? I hate history class.

Alright class,the sooner we start,the earlier we finish.Everyone take your books to page 394. (Lol Harry Potter reference)

Everyone just complained silently since some of them didn't really took interest of the class either and opened the books to the chapter.

Esta clase e' tan aburrida.
I said in Spanish when I go to the book and the teacher suddenly appears in front of me out of nowhere.

Is there a problem brat?
By his appearance,I just jumped in my seat scared.

Jesus Christ!
I breathed out and the teacher gave me this annoyed look on his face.

Any important reason why you interrupt my class hmm?

N-No mistel,I mean! No teacher.
I said nervously.

Then if you really want to pass this class,you better get yourself together Jaeger.
He said to me coldly as always and I just gulped and a little scared but a little blushed since he was a little close to me.

Si mistel..I mean! Yes teacher...
He raises an eyebrow like being curious about what I said and just ignored me and continued to class. everyone looking at me smiling and holding their laughter.
I really wanted to die now.
The bell rings as for the class was over and everyone packing their stuff and leaving,so was I. as I was almost about to leave when suddenly

Eren,I need to speak with you.
He said while I turned around cursing myself in my head.I had no choice and i just sat down watching him in his desk giving a sigh.

It's like when you're in real trouble when you're Hispanic and your mom calls you and say:"hablamos cuando llegues a casa" when she says know you're screwed.

Yes Mr.Ackerman?
I asked looking at him a little concerned

Why are you not paying attention to my class? This is a simple class.I looked down when I heard his words

I'm sorry Mr.Ackerman
It's just's not my favorite subject, you know? I said scratching my head while avoiding eye contact.

Aah I see,you could have told me before,but at least try to have some interest if you really want to pass my class. He explains to me.

It's not that Mr.Ackerman ....
I said to him looking a little bit down

Then is there something troubling you? He says while looking at me concerned and I looked at him

W-well's really not much of a big deal but...I just don't sometimes speak correctly since I'm bilingual.
I said a little blushed looking somewhere else cause God it wasn't helping to look at him.He's so damn sexy.

What language were you speaking?
He asks looking at me curiously

It was Spanish sir.
I said to the raven haired

I's really interesting the way you spoke that language,where are you from? He asked again and I just thought.....does he find my language that interesting?

I'm from Puerto Rico.

And so our conversation kept on and on.Explaining him happily some facts about my country,how moms are,the food,the music,and some funny ones like the mountains that they look like boobs,Christmas,the coquí frog and the sounds it makes,our traditions,plus the history.
And he just get more surprised by the things I say to him.Wanting to learn more about where I come from and speaking my language which is like a broken Spanish.

I must say,it is so amazing where you come from,and the way you speak.Can you teach me how to speak Spanish?
At that moment I was fully red.whaaaaaaat?! Nooo waaay! The teacher that I have a crush on that his class that I hate wants to learn Spanish.Ay María purísima.

I um ....w-well I can teach you some easy ones if you want.I said to him a little blushed

Go ahead.
He said while smirking and resting his head with his hand on the desk looking at me.

Okay um....let's see.
I said while thinking of an easy one

El perro juega con la pelota.I said to him while in looking at him

Ell....perou huega con la pelottah.

When I heard him not saying the sentence fluently I just burst to laugh
Pff hahahaha hahahaha!!

What? What's so funny?He said raising an eyebrow

The way you said it,well first to learn Spanish,you have to speak it fluently and the tongue roll is mostly involved in the Spanish language.
Like when I say "Perro" it has a double R's that has a specific sound when hearing it and mostly that's made with a tongue roll.
I explained to him as much as I could.i just loved to talk about it and see him interested in it.

I how do you say "Perou"?
He asked me getting a little close to me

I chuckled a little bit
It's actually "Perro",it means dog.

He asked trying to imitate me

Nope, Perro,like this "Pe-rro" with a roll on the R's like this "rrrrrrr".
I made a tongue roll and let him show my tongue making the R sound.

Oh then like this?
He tries to imitate the R sound but doesn't work

No,sorry Mr.Ackerman,I guess it doesn't work for you now.....oh crap! I gotta go...I'm sorry for all the trouble!
I apologized to him a little flushed

It's alright Eren,we can talk tomorrow,I'll see you in class in the morning.He said while we both get up

It was nice talking to you.I gave him a smile and grabbed my bag

Same as well brat.
I waved goodbye at him and left the class.

I almost about to scream like a fangirl
He wanted to speak Spanish and teach him too!!!
Maybe history class isn't so bad after all.

(End of part be continued at part 2 soon! Hope you guys liked it so far.I will be working on it soon!!)

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