Chapter 25 - Stop Now !

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Seven in mm

When we finally made it back to Chicago, I was exhausted I only slept an hour cause the other hour Travis just kept messing with me. Like ok yea I miss you but we ain't finna fuck on no jet! When we landed Travis grabbed my bags and started loading my bags in the car. So in the meantime I decided to call Seven. It rang twice then he answered.

Seven: Drea!

Drea: lol hey Seven!

Seven: Wassup girl

Drea: Nothing much I just thought I should let you know I'm back in Chicago and safe!

Seven: That's good... I miss you already Drea..

Drea: You can come visit Seven

Seven: Will I come back to New York with you?

Drea: Lol Seven you play all day I got a boyfriend and a baby!

Seven: So I got Mama and lil sister!

Drea: Lol what ?

Seven: I thought we was naming people we love!

Drea: Lol but I miss you Seven I honestly feel like I made a good friend in New York!

Seven: Me too and I feel like I honestly met my future!

Drea: Seven lol stop you will never quit huh?

Seven: Naw not till you mine Drea I'm dead ass but imma come visit next week! I got some business I gotta handle so I'm talk to you later ma Ok.

Drea: iight bye seven!

Seven: bye Drea I love you ma!


Seven: Gone head and say it back ma, you know you want too!

Drea: Oh gawddd I love you too Seven but not like that!

Seven: Mmmhm bye.

I hung up laughing, but I felt bad really bad like I just cheated... I wouldn't admit it to seven but yea I did grow to love him. I love him. Travis had gotten back in car and started it up. It was 5:38 pm and I just wanted to Eat and Sleep! I looked out the window as Travis drove, he put his hand on my Thigh and I looked him.

Travis: What's wrong bae?

Drea: Nothing I'm just hungry and sleepy.

Travis : I got you baby!

She smiled aw I really loved his smile, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He honestly doesn't know how much I love him. We made it to his house and I just couldn't wait to raid the fridge! I hopped out immediately and started walking towards the door!

Travis : Where you going I can't get no help?

Drea: Bae I'm hungry and tired you can handle that!

He laughed and I continued to walk I opened the door and took off my shoes. I was gonna hit the light but somebody else hit it.

"WELCOME BACK DREA" , a bunch of people I knew said at once. I was shocked as hell, it honestly warmed my heart! I ran over and hugged everybody I knew, I grabbed a plate of food and went to Travis' room to get some sleep.


When I woke up Travis was next to me and sleep with his arms wrapped around me. I kissed is lips softly, that's usually how I wake him up. I heard music and voices so I figured the party was still going on despite us being down there or not. I kissed Travis again and whined a bit then opened his eyes and smiled.

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