Sweetest Lips - Jungkook

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First Bangtan! Drabble w/ jungkook... fluffy fluff fluff

You have the sweetest lips.

It was too early in the morning for anyone to possibly to get up but because you just came back from visiting your family and the jet leg has not settled out of your body yet. You turn over to your night stand with droppy eye to notice its only 3:18AM. There was time for you to sleep for another 3 hours as you tried close your eyes and fall back asleep. The sound of darkness lingered which kept you awake so you might as well get up to see what you can do. Turning your head over to the other side of your bed, you see your boyfriend sleeping peacefully. A smile grew upon your lip seeing an adorable Jungkook by your side as you kissed his forehead and he cuddled up against your body. Jungkook just came back from practice two hours ago so you gently try to remove yourself from his grasp without waking him up. Twisting and turning in the bed, you managed to get out without waking him up being the deep sleeper he is. His mouth formed a frown but it was quick to disappear.

You tiptoed out of your shared room and into the kitchen, making sure to slowly close the door with a slight crack so there wouldn't much noise involved. Turning on the dim lights that shined on the kitchen counter, you open the fridge and poured yourself a glass of milk. You plopped it into the microwave and stopped at the last second so the sound wouldn't bother your sleeping boyfriend. Taking the cup out of the microwave, you took the honey from the counter and you poured a spoonful into your cup. You mixed it well and let it settle for a few seconds before taking a sip from the warm cup. The sweet taste from the honey lingered in your mouth and you closed your eyes to savor the flavor. For some reason, milk and honey will always be the way that will help you sleep in any state.

You lowered your cup down and leaned on the kitchen counter for support. Looking down, you remember you were in one of Jungkook's shirts. They barely covered your lower half but you didn't really give second thoughts about it. You were tired but you didn't want to go back to bed just yet. A thought came to your mind and you head to the clear glass doors which lead to your balcony. You pulled the curtains to the side which revealed a beautiful city landscape. The streetlights lit up the road and a few cars were going here and there. You smiled at the beautiful scenery and suddenly felt a pair of arms find their way around your waist. Jungkook's body was warming you up as he pulled you closer to him and nuzzled his face into your neck, giving you sloppy pecks. You turn and placed a quick kiss on your boyfriend's lips. He gently places his hand on your chin and guides you back to deepen the kiss as you were about to pull away. It was a sloppy kiss but it felt addictive. You pulled away trying to catch your breath but Jungkook quickly crashes your lips together. It became hot and passionate as neither of you didn't want to break away the heated sensation both of you were feeling. Jungkook soon pulled away too early for your liking and you whined.

"kookie-ah~" You let out a pout and looked into his eyes.

"Jagii, You have the sweetest lips," he muttered.

You tried speak but Jungkook quickly planted another kiss on your lips.

"You should go back to bed, it's 3 in the morning" I say pulling away. Before I took a few steps back, he pulled me in for a hug, snuggling his face in neck I raise my hands and run them through his hair.

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you? What are you doing up so early." He mumbles.

"Jet leg," You let out a little chuckle. "You just came back from practice two hours ago, go back to bed, I'll be there soon." You turn away from your boyfriend and return back to looking at the beautiful landscape in front of you.

"I'll wait, I'm not leaving you," he murmurs as he plants a kiss behind your ear.

"I'm not going anywhere. Go back to bed kookie-ah. I promise I'll be back in a minute," you protested. Your boyfriend pouted and didn't have the slightest intention to let go of you anytime soon. You sighed and let things be. It's been a while ever since you guys had the opportunity to be in each other's presences like this and you wanted to cherish this moment as long as you could.

Jungkook and you faintly swayed side to side to the rhythm of the night, with his hands wrapped around your waist and bodies close together. Your head slightly tilted, Jungkook presses his lips on your neck, leaving chills down your spine. You relaxed into his body and enjoyed the small delicate kisses he gave and the butterflies you were feeling. Turning around, you bury your head into his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beat. You slightly jump as he let out an unexpected small moan which his subtle way of saying hurry up and hugged you tighter as if he threatened to carry you back to bed. Knowing your impatient boyfriend wanted to go back to bed, you intertwine your hands together and let him lead you to the bedroom. Jungkook fell on to the bed and dragged you with him. He tugs the blanket over as both of you shuffled into a comfortable position. You were nicely placed on Jungkook's broad chest and tucked under his chin. He wrapped his muscular arms around; making you feel protected. Slightly moving your head back to see his dazed face, you reached for a another quick kiss on his lips. You felt a little shy as you can feel the blood rush to your cheeks and buried your face into his chest. Jungkook buried his head into your hair and kisses your forehead and you could feel a smile growing upon your lips. His breaths managed slowed and became even.

"사랑해 jungkook-ah" you whispered.

"사랑해(y/n) now sleep" he mumbled against your head.

He fell asleep first and you were soon to follow along too.
Well maybe if you didn't have to go to the washroom."jungkook-ah" you cooed. "I have to pee," letting out a small giggle. You can see his face quickly forms a frown and his eyebrows furrowed.

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