Pull me closer - Jimin

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More fluff with jimin!

Pull me closer Park Jimin

You felt the little butterflies that were fluttering in your stomach as it was only 7 o'clock. It would be hours  before you would actually meet up with Park Jimin to go to the mall to get something for one of the members. You guys were "just" close friends that you knew for too many years and maybe you developed feelings for your best friend like every cliché story. He was perfect and you were in love with everything about Jimin. You knew everything about each other and would always leaned on one another for support but you would never go further than just best friends. There were times you dated other guys, trying to move on from him but the relationship never ended off well. There was always a knot in your stomach when you saw Jimin flirting with other girls but you couldn't be mad at him as you never revealed the feelings that were buried under your heart. Many of the girls he dated were so much more attractive and talented that you understood why Jimin fell for them. He's honestly the perfect boyfriend anyone can ask for. He treated his girlfriends like princesses that sometimes you didn't understand when he came running to your apartment on the verge of tears, and crumbling down. Seeing how he acted after his break ups, you couldn't possibly stand to see Jimin so vulnerable and heartbroken. There was a reason why you never confessed to him but whenever you saw him, a part of you isn't ready to let him go to another girl.

It didn't occur to you when you fell asleep again but you woke up on the couch to the loud banging that was coming from the door. Still half asleep, you basically crawled to open the door and was welcomed by a panicking jimin.

" Y/N! what happened?! You didn't meet me at the coffee shop and you weren't picking up your phone ."

"Sorry Chim, I fell asleep." He ruffles my hair and gives me that smile that shows his teeth and makes his eye turn into moon crescents.

"It's okay, do you still wanna go out? or we can stay here if you want."

"No, it's alright i'll be ready in 10 minutes. We can just walk around the park or something." I smile back at him and walk towards my room.

You threw the sweater that you stole from him on top and put on a pair of leggings. It wasn't a fancy occasion or a first date so comfort was all that mattered. When you walk out of your room, you see Jimin is patiently waiting on the couch with his head tilted upwards lost in thought. The angle from your direction enhanced his features, especially his jawline and you blush at the sight. He looks up to you in with a smirk.

"Nice sweater. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

. . .

You insisted that you could just get something close by but Jimin took you to the mall as he reminded you it was Tae's birthday soon and we should get him a gift. Both of you began to roam around and head into the many different types of stores they offered. Knowing the youngster's different interests, you weren't sure if you should buy him the jacket he basically begged for everyday or the new game he wanted that Jungkook was playing. You basically circled the entire mall but knew that you would need another day to figure Tae's gift so you decided to just have fun.

"Chimchim, can we get fries from the McD," You asked as you followed him into a clothing store.

"Again? When was the last time you didn't eat fries y/n, I swear you were born on potato farm and I bet you that you were adopted and your true family are the potatoes you eat. Ohmygod you're eating your own people!"

"but they're goOoOOoOd."

"yeah but they make you fat y/n, not that it matters." Jimin chuckles.

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