C4. New Friends?

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Gomen!!! I'm not really on an update roll so these are realllly spaced out updates so gomen. I don't really have anything to say other than I'm bored and tired, when I write best? Anyway hope y'all enjoy the story let's jump on in!

Story Start:

^Hikari's POV^

"-p.... Hik-...-up.... Hikari-.... Hikari wake up!" I heard as I was being shook. I opened my eyes and little to fast and quickly shut them because of the bright light. "I'm up geez you can stop shaking me." My groggy voice said. "Finally do you know how hard you are to wake up." Dad said annoyed. I just shrugged while rubbing my eyes. "Anyway you need to get up today's your first day at the academy." .... If your confused let me explain its been about a year since I arrived, I'm now six, and about a month or two ago dad asked me if I wanted to be a ninja, and of course I said yes leading us to now.... "Oh yeah that," I said rather unenthusiastic, "why does it have to be so early in the morning." I groaned but got up anyway. "Because it is." Dad replied as the door was shut in his face for me to change, etc.

°•No one's POV•°

Hikari brushed her now upper thigh length hair, and put it on a black beanie, put head headphones around her neck, and put her mask on (a/n pretend you can slip on bandage mask just like a normal mask.) She of course was already wearing her normal outfit and her necklace, but she had to strap her kunai and shuriken(sp?) pouches on and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey dad." she said while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. "Hey Kari you excited?" Kakashi asked glancing up from his book. She just shrugged and hm'd. "Well I'll walk you there today but I have a mission in the morning so you'll have to go on your own." The dad in the room announced putting his book in his weapons pouch and walking to the door, his daughter not far behind. Said girl only nodded walking out the door.

*Timeskip to academy because of pandas*

"Be careful Kari I'll be back later to pick you up." Kakashi said getting a nod and goodbye from his daughter before disappearing in a 'poof'.

Hikari walked into the building knowing she was late because of her dads lateness rubbing off on her. She walked up to the from desk. "Excuse me but where is Iruka Umino's class?" Hikari asked blank faced. The woman who's name tag says Hiyori (a/n Noragami!!!!) Looked up at hearing a voice. Once she saw Hikari she replied, "Room 301 (a/n idk if that's the actual number but whatevs its the chunnin exams # so ya) class started about thirty minutes ago though, so I'd suggest you hurry." Hikari nodded and bowed in thanks and walked to her class.

'Finally this place takes forever to find... I blame stairs.' Hikari thought making Mei chuckle. Hikari sighed before knocking on the door. Iruka answered, but facepalmed seeing Hikari, letting her in right after. "Hikari don't let your dads habit rub off on you!" Iruka said making everyone looks at them. She sighed, "Dolphin-san with all due respect I've missed the first month of class why would an hour matter." Murmurs exploded among the classmates. "Quiet down! First off, its Iruka-sensei now Hikari-" said girl interrupted, "Dolphin-sensei," Iruka sighed but continued, "and second, class meet our new student, Hikari Hatake."

^Hikari's POV^

"Hikari please tell the class a little about yourself." Dolphin-sensei asked.  "Ok then, Name: Hikari Hatake, Likes: Drawing and Training is your given information, Dislikes: people being treated bad and fangirls/fanboys, Hobbies: drawing and training, Dearm for the future: has nothing to do with you therefore unnecessary information to you." Dolphin-sensei was sweat dropping at my introduction along with other students. Although when I took a closer look the majority of boys had hearts in their eyes and the girls were giving me death glares. 'Great fanboys and fangirls, wonder who the lucky guy is.' "Ok now does anyone have any questions for Hikari?" Dolphin-sensei asked recovering from his sweat drop. Nearly all hands shot up. Iruka nodded to a girl with pink hair and green eyes, "sakura." "Do you like anyone in here." She asked slightly glaring. "*sigh* no I don't, I neither know anyone here or have an interest in a relationship."  She nodded seemingly satisfied with my answer. "Shikamaru" Sensei said pointing to a guy who I will call either Shika-san or Pineapple-san. "How do you know Iruka-sensei already?" "My dad took me to meet him last year." Iruka nodded and Shika-san sat down. "Last one, Yami" a boy with dark brown almost black hair and green eyes that look like they are glowing stood up. "I have two questions, one: why are you wearing a paw print necklace, two: why do your eyes glow?" "One: it was my clan's symbol, two: why do yours?" He just stood there perplexed on how to answer. "Alright Hikari, there are two open seats, one by Yami and one by Sasuke, but if you would please sit by Sasuke." Iruka cut in. "Why did you act like you were gonna give a choice if you were gonna tell me where to sit anyway." I retorted but went to my newly assigned seat girls glaring at me tho whole way, minus a purple haired girl. "Hey there! I'm Sasuke Uchiha! Let's be friends!" Said a wayyy to bubbly kid. "Hm sure Sasuke but I'm giving you the nickname Duckbutt." He pouted at the name but hugged me when he realized that I said that we could be friends. "You remind me of big brother he doesn't talk a lot either." He said completely oblivious that I froze when he hugged me. Though I have a new dad he still doesn't hug me much and I'm nervous with physical contact. "Cool Duckbutt but I'm sure I'm nothing like your brother." He let go and I sighed in relief. "Yes you are! Today mother said we were doing something but tomorrow you can come to my house to meet him!" He giggled. "Sure I don't have anything to do anyway tomorrow." I said pulling out my drawing pad as Dolphin-sensei started to teach since dad had long ago taught me it. I started to draw some butterflies, what I like butterflies, don't judge me.

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