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  She ran and ran without looking back. Tears ran freely down her rosy cheeks. There was no escape; nor in the situation where she was standing right now nor of that someone who had stolen every corner of her thoughts. How did it all began? Her innocent impulse took her places she never thought would experience. She was loved by all of her kind, the angelical princess...why did she fell in love with the one she never should have? She shook her head to stop herself from thinking anymore and concentrate on the path right in front of her. White drops fell from the sky, covering the forest like a coat. Just looking around fills her with many memories...of that very day when she met him for the first time, when she set him free...  

"You are terrible,

It's like you are diseased.

Poison that runs wild in the screams,

Poison that I am already used to."


Looking at the sky and closing her eyes, she smiled as she felt a snowflake fall on her warm lips. Her favorite season of the year had arrived. She decided to take a stroll with her horse and feel for the very first time in her life; free. Nobody could see her, nobody could tell her what to do. She could be herself for a few minutes. The illusion took her to a place where she had no knowledge of. She found herself face to face with the entrance of a beautiful forest, full of trees and flowers...that made her curious and gave her the courage enough to look around. She walked the path that it already had made, making her curiosity grow even more. Could there be something or someone here? The young woman continue walking until she stop in front of what looked like a cave.

Without thinking; she quietly entered the cave. She walked and walked until only darkness could be seen. Suddenly, a light at the end caught her attention and saw how one by one; torches hanging against the walls; started to light by themselves, recognizing her presence. The girl wasn't scared, on the contrary; her steps now were faster...she really wanted to know what was hidden at the end of the cave. Her steps finally came to a halt when she stood in front of a door, but not just any door...it had spells and old magic protecting her from what was behind it.
Being the princess, she knew of that magic...the magic of her people sealed and protected this grant door...but of what? She stepped closer and looked closely at the symbols she well knew. Her mind completely set, began to concentrate and in soft whispers she conjured up each of the counter spells. With not much time to waste, the door slowly opened; letting her enter a very dark room. Her eyes; who started to get used to the dark, were able to see something moving at the end of the room...on that moment, time stood still...the girl could not believe what she was staring at: a man. Chained, with a muzzle that covered great part of his beautiful face.

The girl was mesmerized for such beauty. She felt how his eyes penetrated her soul, her thoughts and...her heart. It was love at first sight. She ran toward him and observed the chains that made him a prisoner for so many years. She tried thousands of counter spells until finally she was able to free him. The girl by reflex, took a few steps back when the young man, finally free; took a few steps toward her. His hands reached for the muzzle in his face, and in just seconds; it wasn't there anymore. Slowly, he let his eyes fall on her. It wasn't just the fact that he was finally free, but also that after all these years he was finally seeing the rays of the sun. His sun. Her.

Carefully, he went up to her, reaching for her arm. She just stood there frozen, staring at him; her breathing was the only part of her body that responded to his touch. And without any words, he nears her toward him, to his cold chest and warm at the same time...his arms around her. His lips find her ear and in a voice as soft as satin he says: "Tibi sum".

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