Stars (Errorberry)

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A request from @Paintyvoice. Sorry for the delay.

Error's P.O.V.

"ThEre's a plaCE tHat I wAnt to shOw You," I said, opening a portal.

"Um, okay," Blueberry followed him, jumping through the portal. We were in space, standing on a piece of floating land.  "Where are we?"

"iTs cAllEd oUTertAle. I uSed To alWayS hAng oUt heRe." He stared at the stars in the sky in amazement. "yOuVe NevEr seEn reAl sTarS, haVe yOu? liviNg uNDerGrouNd aNd All..."

Blue sighed, and sat at the edge of the land, staring at the space below him. "It's so beautiful." I chuckled and sat next to him, placing his my hand close to him.

Blueberry, probably not realizing it, he began to lean on me. I bushed, and then flinched from the physical contact. Usually anyone else had done this I would've sent stings on them and fling across the emptiness of space, but with Blue, it was different. It felt nice. We stare at the stars together while I began to fall asleep.

I smiled and placed his hand on top of Blue's, making him blush. I quickly moved my hand away. "s-SOrrY." I wanted to tell him my feelings, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.

Blue looked at me. "Error?"


His face turned blue. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while how."

I didn't know what to say. Then, without warning, he moved his close to me and clanked his teeth against mine. I froze. He has the same feelings. He broke away, and spoke nervously. "u-uh...Error, I-I..."



I clinked my teeth against his cheekbone. "i feEL tHe saMe."

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