No sense or nonsense?

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My poems do not make sense

To me they  are all nonsense

Why keep up the pretense?

I will go and sit on the fence

Think of something in my defence.

I am so spent,

my mind is all bent

My feelings I want to vent.

In the air my cries rent,

All the time I have spent!

On the paper my thoughts I have lent,

The words the heart meant.

Scrambled away, they went into a mindless tent

Overflowing with questionable intent,

of what I actually meant.

To say in a poem so spent

It failed to make a dent,

On anyone I knew.

I just want to spew,

My volcanic outburst 

It just blew!

Me and my crew

God, my mind is so screwed

In words so few,

I will end this banter

Into a pub I will saunter,

And drown myself in a beer's canter!

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