Epilogue:Hope Always Prevails

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Makoto's POV

Everything was over. The Final Killing Game had finished with 4 survivors:

Asahina-san, Mitarai-kun, Munakata-san and myself.

Togami-kun and and Hagakure-kun were also there. They had come to save us, but the ones who rescued everyone were the Remnants Of Despair. They managed to become their old selves and came here.

Asahina-san, Hagakure-kun and I watched the boat where the old Remnants Of Despair were in. We shouldn't call them like that though. We should call them the 77th class. Mitarai-kun joined along and is now with them. Munakata-san told me that he had to carry his burdens and left.

Eventually, Asahina-san and Hagakure-kun also left, but I just stood there watching the ocean during the sunset.

I thought of how we don't know what future awaits us, and that's scary, but we just have to give it our best and plow forward with hope. I had high expectations for everybody with me. I knew they would do their best.

But then...it came to my mind again... My memories of her...

I still couldn't believe that she was...dead... I can't believe that I had survived the Final Killing Game, but she hadn't...

It's a pity for such a charismatic person to die... She wasn't only charismatic... For me, she was the only person that I would want to live my life with...But I guess I didn't make it in time for that. Because of her forbidden action, one of us was forced to die... So either way had an awful outcome. But it would be better I'd she had survived...

But I cannot think like that right now. I have to face reality and accept the fact that I was the one who had survived, not her... She put her faith in me and even sacrificed herself so that I could survive. Because of that fact, I have to plow forward. I have to do it for her...

Wait... Are those...footsteps behind me? Who is it? I should check just in case.



"...Yes. That's me."

Kyoko's POV

I guess I left him speechless, which is logical. Hm... He's even cuter now.

"A-Am I hallucinating??"

"This is no dream...Naegi-kun"

Am I smiling...? Hm... I guess I can't help myself.

"It is you!! Nobody's smile is as cute as yours..."

What's he-


He is... hugging me... He feels... so... soft...

What is this? Is he...crying...?

"I'm so glad you are alive Kirigiri-san..."

"... Do you remember what I had said in our first killing game? They can't kill me that easily..."


I hugged him back immediately. I couldn't resist since he was so soft...

I rested my head on his shoulder and his was above mine,which is pretty difficult since he is shorter than me. We stayed like that for a minute.

We took half a step back without separating my hands from his.

"But...how?? I thought you were injected with the poison..."

"I indeed was. While I was investigating, I found Kimura-san's body. If you don't remember, she was the Ultimate Pharmacist. I found a bottle of some kind of sleeping pills on her and picked it up. I tried taking some before I fell asleep. Tsumiki-san, who is a nurse, woke me up and explained that those drugs delayed the effect of the bangle's poison and put me in a near-death state"

He was just staring at me the entire time I was talking with his beautiful olive eyes...

I paused and stared at them...

He started leaning forward and so did I. I closed my eyes and felt his warm, soft lips on mine...

After a few seconds, we broke apart. We were both blushing really hard. I could here the sound of the waves and see the image of the sunset behind him...

"Kirigiri-san... I-"

He was suddenly cut off by someone else's voice.

"Naegi-kun, who is...KYOKO-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!"

It was clearly Aoi-chan.


Next was Hagakure-kun.

Last one was Togami-kun, but he didn't speak, he just followed them.

Aoi-chan literally fell on me and we almost fell as she hugged me tight.

"But I I thought you were dead!!!!"

"I found some pills that delayed the effect of the poison and they woke me up later"

She didn't say anything, she just smiled more and hugged me even tighter. I almost couldn't breathe, but I let her enjoy the moment.

"I see you managed to find a way to survive. Good job..." said Togami-kun.

"Wow, that's not like you Togami-chii!"

"Shut up."

I hadn't noticed that Naegi-kun and I were holding hands, even after Aoi-chan's...'hug'.

They eventually noticed too and just just stared at us with a grin on their faces. Apart from Togami-kun, who was looking away in disgust.

"Ooooooohhh, what is this??" she asked.

We instantly broke apart again and looked away from each other blushing.

"Nothing..." tried to say Naegi-kun, but she was still looking at us suspiciously.

"Fine. Whatever" she said bluntly.

"We have more important stuff to talk about right now." said Togami-kun.

"Yeah, what are we going to do now??" asked Hagakure-kun with his usual tone.

"Well..." said Naegi-kun

"We can all agree that The Tragedy is over, since there is no one continuing it, and I may have an idea..."


*Several Months Later*

Makoto's POV

Everything has gone back to normal.

Peace has been restored in the world and we managed to re-open Hope's Peak Academy. Today is the first day of the school's opening.

Everybody is outside and I'm sitting in a desk of one of the classrooms. I'm just thinking about all that happened to us. How we managed to get here, at this ending full of hope.

Someone is coming.

"Everyone's waiting for you, Headmaster" said Kirigiri-san.

"Yes, I'm coming."

A/N Heyyyyyy guyyyyyys!! So this is the last chapter of this fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it!! It has been a great experience writing this. I don't know how many people will read this fanfiction, but I hope to everyone who did that you are happy about this. Comments are much appreciated and write a suggestion for another Naegiri fanfiction if you like. Byeeeeee!!!!!!

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