One more day

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Lockwood's POV

  My skin rippled with fire as I took hold of Lucy's hand. I felt glad that she trusted me enough to tell me about her father, but I think she may have had a harder life than my own. Crazy but true. My mother never hated me if I broke a lamp or drew on the walls. My father never drunk because of his Catholic lifestyle. My sister, she was exactly like my mother, just around more.

  I didn't mean to be a prick on her back story, but honestly, I think Lucy's parents are barmy. A father who gets angry at his child for agreeing to work for somebody he doesn't like, for good pay? A mother who is irate because her daughter upset her husband? I remember Lucy telling George and me about her sisters, nasty, devilish things.

  To get my mind off of these thoughts, I looked to the rolling valleys passing us. And a Tiger lily meadow that stretches from here to the horizon. 

  I've never really travelled outside if England. Except for the Albury Castle case, of course, but I didn't get to explore the nature and town more. Still, exploring is what got my parents killed in their wake.

  When we reached Jaburrows Station, Lucy kept her gaze out the window, but then smiled. "Lockwood, how would you like to meet a few, uh, childhood friends of mine?" she said, as she reached for her luggage. I looked at her "Are these Carlyle-like friends or regular, normal people we're talking about?" I asked. She grinned and rolled her eyes "Definitely not normal." I returned her grin with a chuckle "Well then, we're going to have an interesting afternoon."

  After getting out blasted luggage out of the locomotive Lucy started doing, what seemed like BSL, at a group of teenagers about our age on the other side of the platform. One was tall, about my height, red streaks highlighting his hair, and a strange comparison to Lucy's features, eyes, and nose. The next one was medium sized. Waist long hair, from brown to blue in a sort of ombre, her eyes looked hard while the rest of her features were soft, her eyes topping her off with a nice evergreen shade. The last girl was quite short, sad eyes, small pointed nose, but choppy shoulder length brown grey highlighted hair that gave her a scary definition. "Yup, definitely your kind of people, Luce," I mumbled to her. She elbowed me in the stomach "Don't judge a book by its cover, Lockwood." she said, playfully. I grinned "I know, Luce."

  I watched as she waved her friends over and as they walked on over. The short girl instantly threw herself to Lucy, grappling her in a huge hug. She must really know these people. The blue-haired girl laughed "You know LJ if you wanna make a grand appearance, you should've put in something with the writers for The Guardian." she said. I haven't heard about that paper in years. "Yeah," said the boy, "Ellie wouldn't stop signing for a minute after Victoria sent her letter." by the way he jerked his toward the girl hugging Lucy, the short girl's name was revealed as Elli. And Lucy's mum's name is Victoria?

  The short girl, Ellie, let go and started making gestures with her hands. Ah, she's a signer. What surprised me is that Lucy signed right back, but then Ellie turned to me and signed.  then the medium sized girl translated, accent heavier than Lucy's "Actually yes, LJ, who is your charming companion? Oh, you didn't get a mate when you were down in the Queen's Kingdom?" both, Lucy and I, tinted pink. I wasn't sure who looked more like a rose at the time. 

  "Uh, right, introductions," she said, "Lockwood this is Ellie," she said pointing to the short girl. "Ava," the blue-haired girl, "and Derek." the only guy there other than me. "This is my boss, Anthony Lockwood," she said. I looked at Lucy and saw she was signing as she was speaking. Considering her hands move faster than my eyes can make out the gesture, maybe that's why she's good with a rapier. 

 "You know, I didn't take you as a 'boss' or anything near employer. You don't have supervisors where you're from?" Ava asked. I shook my head "We do. I just don't like a limited field when I'm in a place I can die." "Oh, snappy! I like you," she said as she cocked her head to the side, but then looked at Lucy. I blushed, "but you're taken, aren't you?" I rose my eyebrows "Quite a thought." she looked at me, smiled and nodded, slightly. 

  Lucy cleared her throat "We might as well be going now, Mam doesn't know Lockwood was coming so-" Derek put up a hand. "Lockwood? Not Anthony?" Lucy rolled her eyes, "Watch it Dare, or he'll drown you in the closest river." I nearly laughed. I remembered when Lucy asked what to call me when she told me to call her by her Christian name. "He must be a serious man," he said. 

  "LJ's right we should get going. Mr Lockwood, don't make Victoria, otherwise, you'll end up in Kent." Ava said, then we were off the platform and on a dirt road. "I'm sure how you Queen's Land folks are, but we walk and use our feet. The only time you'll see a car is for occasions like ours." I am such an idiot! I almost forgot why we're here! Lucy's sister's funeral. god, I'm such a dolt.

  About halfway there (I asked Derek about how far along we were) I saw how Lucy stared at the Tiger Lilies. I didn't know how she didn't feel sick from them. Tiger lilies are supposed to have toxic pollen that could make you nauseous and sleepy. She must be somehow used to them. 

 "We would come out and play around here," she said, I knew she was referring to her and Mary. "We would walk around and play with a small rubber ball and watch the sun so we'd know when to go home before the curfew bells," she said lost in thought. Reminiscing. I walked beside her and her hand, the one that wasn't pulling her luggage. She put her head on my shoulder. I was there trying not to blush. I most likely was.

  We just walked most of the way like that. Waiting for the next day. One more day.

Meh! i took down the WHOLE book. 'cause well I thought that it would really make much sense if i were to pull out random chapters and make the whole thing not make sense. New system! I'm almost done with revising. And please

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