To Transylvania!!!

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Amanda's POV

I looked around the abandoned town and sigh I turned into a dog with red fur. I curled up at the bottom of a fountain. Then, I heard some 'swishing' noise so I lifted my head and saw a girl with black hair walking down the side of the house. I blinked.

She must be a vampire. I walked up to her and sat down in front of her. She seems like she's sightseeing but hiding at the same time. Why is she hiding anyways? There's practically no one in the town! I barked and that seems to catch the attention of the vampire.

She looked down and saw me, she picked me up and it seems like she's studying me.

"Awww!! You're so cute! I'm gonna name you ....hmmm oh I know! Amanda!" She said. I was shock that she got my name right! She hugged me and walked around the town. She rushed at a store that sells old fashioned dressed that are designed on a mannequin. Then 2 people with a pitch fork and a torch showed up from behind the glass. She moved back, slightly scared. "Hello humans! I'm Mavis Dracula and..." She didn't finish her sentence because more people with old fashioned clothes with torches and pitchforks came out from around the corner.

They started shouting 'Vampire!' 'Bite toes!' 'Monster!' 'Candies' and stuff like that. I just rolled my eyes, this guys are totally not a human. I sniff the air a few times and it smelled like zombies.

"Dad was right. Dad was right." I heard Mavis whisper as she looked down in sadness. And she flew off with me in tow. I looked back at the town with the burning zombies in it. I saw a purple mist and it formed as a man, I heard him say. "It worked. Now my baby will be safe forever. Alright everybody get back to work." He flew off as a bat and the zombies started to disassemble the fake town. How did Mavis not see this? Beats me.

We then came in a gigantic building hidden in the forest. It was full of different kinds of monsters. We went through a open window, she set me down on her bed and I curled up into a ball. I heard some knocking and the door opened then closes. "Honey? Back so soon?" The unknown guy sat down beside me. "How was the big world? How was it?" He asked voice seems innocent but it has bits of happiness here and there. Did he know that Mavis doesn't like the human world? What's he that guy I saw at the fake village?

"It was ok." Mavis said clearly upset about something. "What? What's the matter?" The guy said. "Dad you were right! Humans were awful. They were everything you said! They wanted to bite my toes." Mavis said as I feel the bed shift a bit.

"Bite you're toes?" The guy said I can sense a hidden happiness in it and he's doing a really bad job pretending to be concern. Well he can't fool anyone with that.... well except maybe Mavis. "And they have garlic! On bread!" Mavis said as if it's the most ridiculous thing she has ever seen. "What! Look at me. I-I'm getting goose bumps, I'm so scared." The guy said.

"I'm so sorry sweet heart. I hate that you had to see that." I felt both of their weights lift up. "I'm sorry I doubted you. I'll never leave here again." Mavis said her voice full of sadness.

"O-ok ok. Look daddy's going to make you the bestest birthday ever. Look what I brought you! You're worm cakes!" The guy said excitedly. "Don't be sad anymore. Remember, this is the year we open mommy's present for you!"

"What did she get me?" Mavis asked. "We'll see. She said never to open until you're 118. We waited this long. Eat you're worm cake. You come down whenever you're ready, honey." The guy said.

Then, I felt hands lifted me by the scruff of my neck, it's a strong but gentle grip. I opened my eyes and saw that the same guy from the town picked me up examining me. "Honey? What's this?" The guy said pointing a finger at me. I'm obviously a dog.

'Just act innocent and he'll never suspect anything.' I taught. I did my most cutest and innocent face ever. "Oh dad! That's Amanda. Can I keep her please!?!?!" Mavis pleaded. "Honey you know we can't." The guy said. But me and Mavis is doing the most adorable puppy dog face and I can see that the guy is struggling to say no to us.

He sigh and smiled "Alright honey you can keep her." She squealed and hugged me. The guy went away and I heard some pieces of their conversation at the door. "She'll thank me one day." "Yeah, that's what the guy who shrunk my head said!"

I laugh out loud, Mavis stopped squealing and looked at me. "You can talk?" She asked. Oh no. Busted. "Woof?." I said. She doesn't seem to believe my little act. She sat down at her bed and gave me a stern look. "I know you can clearly talk. I heard you with my own two ears." She said giving me a glare. I sigh but nodded my head in defeat. "How?" She asked. "Well you see I'm not actually a puppy. I'm more of a half human." I said and with a puff of red smoke I transformed into my human body.

Mavis looked shock she slowly backed away with wide eyes. "D-don't kill me!!" She said. "Why would I do that?" I asked sweetly. "You've seen how the human at that village did! T-they hate me." She said. I just rolled my eyes at her. "Well, not all humans are like that. I'm different I promise. And if I'm dangerous you can just tell you're dad and I'll be dead." I said.

She calmed down. "So you're a human?" "Yeah kind of." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "What do you mean by kind of?" She asked now curious.

"Well I have a lot of secrets but I'm only gonna tell you some of them ok?" I said. "Ok ok ok." She said jumping up and down, I giggled at her eagerness. "Well I'm not really a human. I'm a vampire, dragon and other more. I'm practically a hybrid." I said.

"Wow. So you're saying that you're a monster mixed with other kind of monsters?" She said in awe. "Yep! Sure am! But don't tell anyone ok?" "Ok!"

We heard a knock, we both froze then the door opened and a girl werewolf came in she looked around and spotted me.

"Oh hello Mavis! Who's you're new friend?" The werewolf asked. "O-oh she's umm-" I cut Mavis off by saying "Amanda Summers! Nice to meet you Mrs?" "Oh my name is Wanda dear. Nice to meet you." She said and shook my hand. I smiled at her "nice to meet you Mrs. Wanda."

I helped her seat down because she's clearly struggling and that she's pregnant! Duh! "Amy? Can I call you that?" Wanda asked. I just nod my head. "Amy are you a... Human?" She asked, she kinda look scared. I looked at her and said "Well...yes and no." "What do you mean?" Wanda asked clearly confused.

"Well I'm a hybrid." I said. "Really? What kind?" She asked more intrigued. "Well I'm a vampire, dragon and many more." I smiled cheekily. "Oh that's great to hear." She smiled at me.

"Do you guys wanna go down?" I asked. "Sure. Lets go auntie Wanda." We both helped Wanda down the stairs.

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