(insert title that makes sense and is funny)

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Ross: C'mon the main reasons...

Max: cause she has a good sense of reason and humor

Ross: Is it also that she's literally just like you?

Max: you said that about Jessie too when we first meet

Ross: Yeah, but she was so funny and weird and Raina's the exact opposite she's normal and serious.

Max: our girlfriends though

Ross: Yeah.....I can't get over the fact that you think Raina's actually funny though.

Max: and I can't get over the fact you have a girlfriend

Ross: Thats so rude

Max: just shut up and sleep well be there in 1 hour

Ross: I can't believe you're going to have your own child!

Max: Ross go. To. Sleep. Please.

Ross: Night!!!!

*Falls asleep back to Raina and Jessie*

Jessie: hey Raina what's up

Raina: Nuthin much just ahhhh... You don't remember what I said about people cutting themselves earlier???

Jessie: which part

Raina: When I said I would be the only one cutting themselves.....?

Jessie: I remember, are you?


Jessie: you better not be I am completely serious

Raina: Lets just get on this Minecraft server and not talk about it!

Jessie: Raina no just don't you know what I did. I cut the word ROSS. Into my arm

Raina: Desperate much? I'm alone in a house and freaking out!

Jessie: go to Adams

Raina: I don't feel comfortable going over in almost the middle of the night.

Jessie: I'll call them and tell Adam you need to come over you just go please

Raina: As long as you don't tell Max about me cutting myself... Promise? I'll stop but please don't tell him!

Jessie: as long as you stop I won't

Raina: I will stop... And he can't even talk right now.. He's on the plane..

Jessie:  k I think you should go now I texted Adam

Raina: Alright... I'll talk later.. Okay?

Jessie: k talk to you later

Raina: bye

Jessie: bye

(To Jessie)

Jessie: God in bored now thankful I have 9 kids to play with

Anna: What now? Do you miss Raina?

Jessie: yeah but you and you brother. Are here for me right

Trace: yeah what about you anna

Anna: Totally mom!

Jessie : well let's go ride our new horses. In the field

Anna: Will we move back to Washington?

Jessie : maybe if Ross ever apologizes

Anna: Hasn't he already?

Jessie: yes but it sucked

Anna: If we move back would I hold Raina's baby?

Jessie: yes but you get to either way

Anna: REALLY?!?! How???? And are you going to tell Max that Raina cut herself?

Jessie: I have a tour there and you are coming and of course I will tell

Anna: Do you think there will be a problem with the birth? She's definitely worried about it.

Jessie: no I have hope

Anna: You do know that Raina's very realigious, right? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just so curious!

Jessie: yes

(Back to Max and Ross)

Max: Ross are you ready to see her

Ross: Are we here already?!?! *waking up*

Max: yes are you ready

Ross: More ready than I'll ever be! Call her!!!!

Max: why

Ross: Cuz!!!!!! Maybe she has an update on Raina! *Laughs at Max*

Max: or we can ask when we get there

Ross: Alright, let's just go *they get to her new house*

Max: Ross go knock on the door

Ross: *knocks on door nervously*

Jessie: coming* opens the door* why are you here

Ross: Hey, I'm here to apologize....

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